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Whats with the spear nerfs?


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Absolutely understandable that warriors spear skills were overpowered right when spear was released.

Usually nerfs like this come slowly, and dont nerf it to the ground from top tier to bottom tier. Since we know, that Anet doesnt revert changes, all the hopes for warrior to FINALLY get a proper midranged weapon for high dps is completly gone due to excessive nerfs. Next time, tweak it down, see if it still overperforms, and if then tweak it down again. Warrior is already at a terrible state, you can do better.


Spearmarshal's Support: This skill now performs an initial attack. This attack must hit a target for the follow-up attacks to occur. Reduced the damage coefficient from 0.4 to 0.25 in PvP and WvW

damage almost halfed AND making it extremly hard to hit in pvp/wvw? Try using this attack in a blob, first hit gets blocked almost 90% of the time, other 10% are from a random dodge. If its harder to hit, tune the damage back up, or remove the needed initial attack. There are plenty of other classes with similar skills that dont rely on the first attack to hit.



Harrier's Toss: Reduced the damage coefficient from 1.2/1.5/1.8 to 1.0/1.25/1.5 based on adrenaline, in WvW only.

Justified nerf.



Spear Swipe: This skill is no longer unblockable. Increased the cooldown from 20 seconds to 25 seconds in PvP only. Reduced the cooldown refund on successful evasion from 6 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP only.

Ah c'mon, just tone it down to 3 targets but keep it unblockable. It doesnt to any damage in pvp/wvw anyway.




Path to Victory: Reduced the attack range from 450 to 240

This is just ridiculous for wvw, it was kinda useable before, now its useless. Warrior relies to heavily on traits that need bursts to hit.

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Warrior players often are crafty people and to succeed with warrior you need to understand the enemy.

Spellbreaker is a broken piece of kitten that due to warrior being weak it os cracked to 11 so warrior players don't riot for not being able to play competitive.

So what happens when Spellbreaker gets a good weapon? He smashes People's head in and people think what is broken is the weapon and it gets nerfed cause arena is reactionary.

Now spellbreaker is still strong and we got 2 good weapon gutted cause Arena refuses to nerfs spellbreaker because would require anet to buff other facet of warrior as base/berzerker and bladesworn which anet completely forgot it exists.

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Yeah, it's pretty clear what's going on when you step back and look at it holistically.

Spellbreaker has spent years being handicapped by the warrior weapons available. Condi spellbreaker just isn't a thing and rifle is bad outside of gunzerker and core warrior killshot memes, and warrior didn't really have any weapons that offered sustain either apart from a few blocks. So spellbreaker had to survive as a profession that had to be in melee to do anything, didn't have a lot of sustain from its weapons, and until the defence rework spellbreaker didn't really have a place in PvE either, so it would look bad if spellbreaker was pushed out of competitive as well making it uncompetitive everywhere. Solution? Put enough sustain on spellbreaker that it at least had a chance to survive as an obligatory melee build without much in the way of defensive weapon skills beyond the shield block and the greatsword spin.

Then staff comes along, and warrior finally has a good self-sustain weaponswap option. Spear comes in, and spellbreaker has a ranged power weapon that's actually effective. On top of all the spellbreaker self-sustain that was needed when spellbreaker had to facetank everything. Of course it's going to be super-strong.

The problem is that when new options are introduced and something breaks, the natural tendency is to place the blame on the new content (since obviously the old content was fine before!), and not consider whether the new weapons had simply filled a role that was missing, and maybe it's better to nerf the stuff that was needed back when those options were missing. Since there's a very real sense in which spear and staff were... basically just finally giving warrior weapons of similar utility to what most other professions have always had. The real problem is that spellbreaker has been balanced around not really having any good weapon options for years.

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