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Trying to pick a class


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Just returning to gw2 after a REALLY long hiatus, I used to play a ranger and wanted to try something new this time around. I tend to enjoy solo content the most, but I'm not opposed to doing group content. It would just depend on finding a friendly guild that is willing to drag me along.

I don't really enjoy playing a squishy class though, I don't mind if it takes a little longer to kill something as long as I can live through the fight. At first I thought this kind of leaned toward the guardian, but with all of the class changes over the years, is there any other classes I might want to look into? The idea of playing something that could solo, but is still desired for raids etc is enticing, as I don't want to say I would never do it.

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Do you have both expansions?

If you don't want to be squishy and still want to solo PvE, get Mirage mesmer with Trailblazer's gear. That'll give you a lot of toughness and health, and your conditions will stay forever on enemies.

And if you want to switch to raids later, Chronomancer mesmers are still wanted a lot (even after distortion nerf) but you'll need to have a different gear set since Mirage is a DPS specialization, and Chronomancer is a support specialization.

Here's a Mirage build i solo most stuff with to get you started:


If you don't have money for Trailblazer's gear, you can use Dire gear. You'll have less condition duration, but that's not a big problem, and instead of Runes of Perplexity (since they are expensive) you can use Nightmare runes (from Twilight Arbor) or Runes of the Undead (those are dirt cheap). This build even works great in fractals.

For chronomancer builds, check qtfy.eu. They have raid acceptable builds there, and you'll need to follow their guides exactly or people won't want you in raids (not just for chronomancer, any profession).

So, Mirage for solo and DPS, chronomancer for group content.

As for other professions, i can't really comment, but generally:

DPS: Weaver elementalist, Berserker warrior, Holosmith engineer, Reaper or Scourge necromancer (although necros aren't welcomed in group content anymore), Soulbeast ranger, Dragonhunter guardianSupport: Druid ranger, Tempest elementalist, Firebrand guardian, Spellbreaker warrior (although, they're mostly useful in WvW), Scrapper engineer

Revenants and thieves are all over the place so play them if you enjoy the playstyle and don't expect much else. Both are kinda squishy though.

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Have the x-packs. I can't afford a new set of gear atm, but I do have a mesmer. So that will give me something to work toward.

The other option I was thinking about was a daredevil thief, but I hear they are pretty squishy, so i was wary of going that route. Even though a few people in game recommended it to me.

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@sticx.5823 said:Have the x-packs. I can't afford a new set of gear atm, but I do have a mesmer. So that will give me something to work toward.

The other option I was thinking about was a daredevil thief, but I hear they are pretty squishy, so i was wary of going that route. Even though a few people in game recommended it to me.

If you already have a mesmer then try Mirage. Dire gear isn't that expensive compared to trailblazer and it works simmilar, you'll still have a lot of toughness and vitality.

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