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New to mesmer


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So i just picked up mesmer recently, and I'm starting to understand the mechanics a bit better, not my first class so it's not overly confusing. But one thing that's kind of getting me, while on the one hand it seems kind of stupid, is that I'm having trouble getting tags on things during big world events & farm runs. Everything dies so damn fast, and our skills have either little to no AOE, or long recasts.

I know this seems stupid, but it's kind of bugging me. Is there something you guys do while on farm runs to help with this? I shatter as often as I can, but often mobs are dieing before I can even get a clone or two out. Winds of Chaos travels so slow that doesn't do much, and the recast on storm is pretty long. I have tried swapping to power instead, but it seems have the same issues. Mirror blade is a little slow, and mind stab's aoe is a bit small. But power does seem to do a little better between MB, Stab, and wave. But coming from a Ele, DH, and Necro it's still pretty bad.

I understand this is minimal in the overall scheme of things, but if i can't tag things in farm groups, I don't get the loot i'm there for etc. I guess I could just bring a different char for the farm groups, but that takes the fun out of my mesmer enjoyment. :)

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With the chronomancer e-spec you get access to wells, which can be used to tag decently.As a Mirage you some options as well.

But generally you want to be in the middle of everything with sword (or axe). You don't need illusions to shatter, the effect also occurs around you.

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Warning: Long text ist long....:

Yes, Winds of Chaos is way to slow, i wish they would do something about it, reduce cast time from 3/4 to 1/2 (like the trident)...no weapon should have a cast time from 3/4, no matter wich class...also i wish they would reduce the after cast delay and make the projectile travel speed much faster (i mean come on with that travel speed an enemie jumps 3 times away before the projectile reach him).... the auto attack from the staff is one of the weakest auto attacks from us mesmers...

For getting tags on things you better use GS, it is a faster auto attack, but since the dmg from the auto is reduced when the enemie is closer to you, it is not that good, also it has not that much aoe (i wish they would add a little aoe to the auto attack, something like: in the range from 130 you have an aoe, since HoT and PoF there are not enough single monsters that you can tag, there are always groups....)...

When you wann use staff like me and tag things, then you maybe wanna use instead of GS as a second weapon this skill:Mantra of Pain wich is after casting it an good (and fast) attack for opening a fight, it also has an range from 1200 and aoe...

I use staff and sword / sword (i could use double staff, but sometimes it is good to have a sword, since the auto is faster AND stronger, but i like ranged, ok staff is better in close range, but sometimes it is good that you can use it in ranged too)...but i specially concentrate my build to the staff (i dont like the slow auto attack, but i like the bounce since it is good for groups, also i absolutely love the warlock)...I go full power dmg and of course condition duration... i know, sounds weird: full power and condition duration....but the phantasm from skill 3 scales with power dmg, and it does 10% extra dmg for every condition that is on the enemie...so i use this Traits:Chaos- with Master of Manipulation for a reduced Cd on Mirror (heal) and BlinkChaotic Dampening for a reduced Staff and Trident CDBountiful Disillusionment for Stability on shatter

Illusions- with Compunding Power, for an increased Dmgthe minor master trait is also very good since it reduces the recharge on illusion summoning skillsPhantasmal Haste, since the staff phantasm attacks very slow, and this is really goodPhantasmal Force, since it is good when your phantasm gets stronger with every hit (up to 25 stacks)

Inspiration-with Persisting Images, for more life for our Illusions (the die soo fast..., ok and when they dont die i shatter them...)Restorative Illusions, for clearing Conditions with every shatter(ok, the heal is too low, so i just use it for condi remove, other classes have better traits for healing)Illusionary Inspiration, since everyone that is near a Phantasm get Regeneration

I know, this was a long text, but i think you will find a build that you will love...and maybe we get an good ranged weapon with one of the next elite specs...(no really, no auto attack regardless wich class, should have such a long cast time, such long after cast delay and such slow projectile travel speed....)

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I quite often use a power GS build when I'm running around doing open world events with groups, as I found it the most reliable weapon when it comes to tagging groups of enemies. GS3 and GS4 can both be used from 1200 range without needing a target selected, making it ideal for tagging groups of fast dieing mobs. Also if you haven't already I would make use of the Jackal mount. It's attacking skill is very effective for group fights as it has a long-ish range, does a bit of aoe and shields you. It's by far my favourite mount for open world content.

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Just to try something different out, I'm going to try this build out tonight when I'm out solo & not part of a group. My guardian used to be my OWPVE toon, and was based on survival & retaliation. I want to see how this retaliation does with the phantasms.


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If you're running Greatsword, just use skill 1 on the furthest mob and run a circle around the others. It hits everything in it's path. Tagging done. If things are too spread, just use skill 1 and let it tick, it ticks fast. If things are clumped and it's impossible to tell where to cut them all with GS 1, just use GS 3 or 4. If you want to be annoying (tee hee) use GS 5. (But /say oops afterwards otherwise people will get suspicious...wink).

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