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Looking for guild!


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Hey, returning player here. Looking to join a guild that ACTIVELY runs dungeons, raids, and pvps. Does not need to be all serious, but I would like a guild that is slightly larger and isn't extremely strict. Messing around on lowbies atm but I have a lvl 80 elementalist and a lvl 80 Ranger that I prefer to play as mains.

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have you tried Remnants of Hope [HOPE] we take new and old players just have fun and really non strict we are here to have fun and help out others. we do a lot of events like boss train, dungeon night, raid nights, pvp and wvw and RP and other events like jp and in guild pvp brawls. our forum post is:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1406/tc-na-pvx-rp-remnants-of-hope-hope or just go to our site: remnantsofhope.com/front-page/ fill out an app tell them Dr Shinibunny sent you.

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  • 3 weeks later...


We are welcoming players with a range of raid experience to create consistent core raid groups. If you are super hard-core or have never set foot in a raid environment, we probably are not for you.

We do not do guild missions, run guild perks, or organize any pvp, wvw, or open-world guild-run events. We do not require members to rep or donate/support the guild in general. We have no explicit minimum boss clear or legendary insight requirements and no lengthy application process. We do not ask anything that we are not willing and able to provide ourselves.

We are searching for the following:1) Be fully ascended on at least two characters. We'd appreciate it if you ran at least close to a meta build and gear intelligently as we don't really consider your full-minstrel necro to be a raid-worthy option.2) Have a sense of humor and be looking for fun. If you are not comfortable with some occasional coarse humor and cursing, turn back now.3) Have raid experience in at least two wings and be prepared to progress. If the boss is new to you, that’s okay. We are patient and ready to help, but we expect improvement and willingness to learn. This often means practice, watching a video or two, and being open to feedback.4) Actively utilize Discord for organizing events and socializing.

Static Raid Groups:10:30pm-12:30am EST Tuesdays and Thursdays ~ 1 Banner slaveTeam Captain: Vincent Breadnought (Vincent Breadnought#1920) or CW (CW#6029)8:30-11:00pm EST Tuesday and Wednesday ~ Full8:15-10:15pm EST Mondays and Thursdays - Full9:00-11:30pm EST Saturdays ~ Full2:00-500pm EST Wednesdays ~ Full9:00-11:00pm EST Fridays ~ Full8:00-10:00 EST Saturday and Sunday ~ 1 Druid, 2 DPSTeam Captain: General Poopmeister (Psiduck#8465)

We also recruiting casual raidersSeeking casual raiders for ad hoc raids and static team subbing. This is a LFG system that guarantees you will be raiding with people who also meet or exceed these requirements.

If you feel you match most or all of the above, please contact myself, Wogger, in game or on Discord, Wogger#8176

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