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[NA] New player looking for a guild


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i am 21 years old and new to the game i just bought both expansions and is looking for a casual pve/pvp guild to join it does not matter what the size as long as u teach me the ways of the game and treat me as a true member of the guild. thanks a lot

ps. i also have team speak and discord as well as a mic

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I happen to know a couple of guilds that might suit your needstheres [NUDE]: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/346505#Comment_346505They're friendly and very very active in voice chat so if you like that sorta thing also very active in game

then theres [Oops] : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/587/na-oops-relaxed-adult-guild-recruiting-new-and-veteran-players#latestJust as friendly and we play a larger variety of games as well so if theres others you play it should be fun

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it seems that you're old enough to join our drinking dungeons xD otherwise we're small-ish guild and proud to mentor others, esp returning and new players.i see spvp, so i gotta have you on my team. a lot of us like to play spvp and are very chill folks. we do a bit of everything on the side and treat everyone well.discord is our guild comm and we also have an informative website.here, take a look: https://www.reddit.com/r/guildrecruitment/comments/716lb0/napvxchillax_guild_intense_pleasure_mmm_lfm/

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