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Griffon - Maintaining Height

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Hi everyone!

After recently obtaining the Griffon and rushing it's masteries, I've had some issues with maintaining height when I fly. When looking at numerous guides, I've heard that you will not lose altitude if you wing flap while diving, level out, and then keep flapping as soon as the game lets you (at ~75% of the endurance bar). However, when I do this, I still lose altitude, albeit very slowly, and I can't for the life of me figure out what's going on. I know that the pitch up thing was changed and it's kind of annoying that there's more restrictions on how the Griffon moves, but surely that shouldn't affect my ability to stay at a certain altitude when at the fastest speed possible. Did something change and it's not possible anymore? Or am I just doing something wrong? I know a way to gain altitude, but it's time consuming and I'd rather stay at the same height than have to swing myself back up every so often.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! <3

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@"Yukio blaster.9082" said:To maintain the height you need to get to speed lvl 3 (wing flap while diving) and then keep on straight don't get higher then flap on 75% ill link the best guide available

I hope they mad the griffen maintain the hight at speed lvl 2 it will make things a lot ez

Thank you, but...I've already watched this guide. Even though I do the dive/wingflap I find myself losing altitude. After a few tests today, it seems to only do it when I'm high above the ground; if I'm close to the ground, then I manage to stay in the air. Not sure what's going on :l

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