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[Elite Suggestion] Recreator

Regon Phoenix.8215

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(Disclaimer - this is how i imagined reaper before its kit was revealed)

Adept Minor Trait (Molder of Flesh)Unlock Mace for your main-hand and allow you to use Turrets.Replace Death Shroud with Recreator's ShroudRecreator's Shroud last as long as you have life force or until you use one of Shroud's abilities.

Adept Major Trait LineMajor Trait 1 (Nasty Vermin)Cripple you inflict will deal 28 damage per second (scales with condition damage).Major Trait 2 (Like a Juggernaut)Gaining Stability will also grant you 2 sec of Resistance.Major Trait 3 (Combustible Gear)When you Inflict vulnerability, then you will also deal 120 damage (scales with power). Cooldown: 1 sec.

Master Minor Trait (Rapid Reconstruction)While you are downed, you will consume 10% of your maximum life force to heal yourself for 150% of amount consumed until you get raised or run out of life force.

Master Major Trait LineMajor Trait 4 (Mountain of Flesh)Stability will last 50% longer on you and Protection will last 25% longer on you.Major Trait 5 (Perfect Unholy Shaman)Your Turrets will gain bonus 10% of your power and 15% of your condition damage.Major Trait 6 (Twisted Rifts)Reforges left by one of your shroud abilities will last 1 sec longer.

Grandmaster Minor Trait (Prepared for Domination)Gain 5% of your maximum life force when you gain stability. Gain 1 stack of stability for 5 sec when you enter combat.

Grandmaster Major Trait LineMajor Trait 7 (Tool for the Overlord)While you are wielding a mace, gain 1 stack of stability for 10 sec every 10 sec. Only active in combat.Major Trait 8 (Gift of Recreation)Replace your Summon Flesh Golem with Deploy Flesh CannonMajor Trait 9 (Harsh Evening March)Reflect all movement impairing conditions back of their source. You can no longer be slowed or immobilized.

Mace 1 (Going Low)First part of three hit chain. Attack up to 2 enemies in front of you in melee range and cripple them.Casting time: 1/2 secDamage: ~350 (scales with power)Cripple: 2 secLife force generated: 2%

Mace 1 (Going Up)Second part of three hit chain. Attack up to 3 enemies in front of you in melee range and cause vulnerability on them.Casting time: 1/2 secDamage: ~400 (scales with power)Vulnerability: 2 stacks for 5 secLife force generated: 3%

Mace 1 (Going Down)Third part of three hit chain. Attack up to 4 enemies in front of you in melee range with increased precision and ferocity. Also heal all your nearby turrets.Casting time: 1/4 secDamage: ~600 (scales with power)Bonus precision: 150Bonus ferocity: 150Life force generated: 5%Turret heal: 800 (Stack with healing power)Turret heal radius: 450

Mace 2 (Digging Their Graves)Slam your mace into the ground damaging and crippling nearby enemies. If you hit at least 3 enemies, then gain stability.Casting time: 3/4 secCooldown: 20 secRadius: 450Damage: ~650 (scales with power)Cripple: 5 secStability: 1 stack for 3 sec.

Mace 3 (Space-time Barrier)Surround yourself with spacial magic for 3 sec. While this ability is active you reflect all projectiles and block all attacks. Gain life force every time you block an attack or reflect a projectile.Casting time: 1 secCooldown: 30 secLife force per attack: 4%

Shroud 1 (Violent Reforge)Reforge: spend all of you life force to form a special zone in time and space, and it will last 1 sec longer per 1000 life force spent. Enemies inside of this zone can't use movement abilities. Every second it will pulse and damage enemies inside.Casting time: 1/4 secRadius: 450Damage per pulse: 300 (scales with power)Base duration: 2 sec

Shroud 2 (Dreadful Reforge)Reforge: spend all of you life force to form a special zone in time and space, and it will last 1 sec longer per 1000 life force spent. Enemies inside of this zone can't use movement abilities. Every second it will pulse and corrupt boons on enemies inside.Casting time: 1/4 secCooldown: 15 secRadius: 450Boons corrupted per pulse: 1Base duration: 1 sec

Shroud 3 (Collapsing Reforge)Reforge: spend all of you life force to form a special zone in time and space, and it will last 1 sec longer per 1000 life force spent. Enemies inside of this zone can't use movement abilities. Every second it will pulse and slow on enemies inside.Casting time: 1/4 secCooldown: 30 secRadius: 450Slow per pulse: 1.5 secBase duration: 2 sec

Shroud 4 (Reforge of Renewal)Reforge: spend all of you life force to form a special zone in time and space, and it will last 1 sec longer per 1000 life force spent. Enemies inside of this zone can't use movement abilities. Every second it will pulse and heal allies inside.Casting time: 1/4 secCooldown: 30 secRadius: 450Healing per pulse: 300 (healing power)Base duration: 3 sec

Shroud 5 (Reforge of the Void)Reforge: spend all of you life force to form a special zone in time and space, and it will last 1 sec longer per 1000 life force spent. Enemies inside of this zone can't use movement abilities. Every second it will pulse, inflict vulnerability and chill on enemies inside.Casting time: 1/4 secCooldown: 40 secRadius: 450Damage per pulse: 200 (scales with power)Vulnerability per pulse: 2 stacks for 6 secChill per pulse: 3 secBase duration: 3 sec

Healing turret (Pillar of Laughing Skulls)Heal yourself and deploy a turret. Turret will heal nearby allies and damage nearby enemies repeatedly. Detonate this turret to knock away nearby enemies while you gain stability and protection.Casting time: 3/4 secCooldown: 20 secHealing: 3000 (scales with healing power)Healing and attack radius of turret: 450 secHealing per sec: 150 (scales with healing power)Damage per sec: 200 (scales with power)Knock back range: 450Knock back distance: 130-580Stability: 1 stack for 4 secProtection: 8 sec

Utility turret 1 (Spiked Fetish)Deploy a turret. Turret will attack your current target and cripple it. Detonate this turret to knock away nearby enemies while you gain stability and protection.Casting time: 1/2 secCooldown: 30 secAttack speed of turret: 1.5 secAttack range of turret: 900Damage: 300 (scale with power)Cripple: 3 secKnock back range: 450Knock back distance: 130-580Stability: 1 stack for 4 secProtection: 8 sec

Utility turret 2 (Fetish of Madness)Deploy a turret. Turret will attack nearby enemies and confuse them. Detonate this turret to knock away nearby enemies while you gain stability and protection.Casting time: 1/2 secCooldown: 40 secAttack speed of turret: 2 secAttack radius of turret: 450Damage: 100 (scale with power)Confusion: 1 stack for 8 secKnock back range: 450Knock back distance: 130-580Stability: 1 stack for 4 secProtection: 8 sec

Utility turret 3 (Rattling Fetish)Deploy a turret. Turret will grant boons to you. Detonate this turret to knock away nearby enemies while you gain stability and protection.Casting time: 3/4 secCooldown: 35 secBoon granting interval: every 3 secTurret radius: 900Boons: 1 stack of might for 10 sec, fury for 5 sec, regeneration for 3 secKnock back range: 450Knock back distance: 130-580Stability: 1 stack for 4 secProtection: 8 sec

Elite turret 1 (Pillar of Demonic Bones)Deploy a turret. Turret will release shadowy fog which destroys projectiles and occasionally blinds nearby enemies. Detonate this turret to knock away nearby enemies while you gain stability and protection. This turret will automatically relocate to your current location when you enter Shroud.Casting time: 1 secCooldown: 80 secFog's radius: 450Blindness interval: every 5 secBlindness: 5 secKnock back range: 450Knock back distance: 130-580Stability: 1 stack for 4 secProtection: 8 sec

Elite turret 2 (Deploy Flesh Cannon)Deploy a turret. Turret will attack your current target and its attacks have a chance to stun attacked enemy. Detonate this turret to Summon Flesh Golem for 30 sec. This turret is also treated as a minion.Casting time: 1 secCooldown: 48 secAttack speed of turret: 2 secAttack range of turret: 1500Damage: 700 (scale with power)Stun chance: 15%Stun duration: 1.5 sec

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

Adept Minor Trait (Molder of Flesh)Unlock Mace for your main-hand and allow you to use Turrets.Replace Death Shroud with Recreator's ShroudRecreator's Shroud last as long as you have life force or until you use one of Shroud's abilities.

^ I wont lie this sounds cool as ****!

My biggest issues with the traits are

Major Trait 8 (Gift of Recreation)Replace your Summon Flesh Golem with Deploy Flesh CannonWhy is there a trait in this e spec for a core elite skill this should be something that deals with something the necro does generally or locked to the new especs skills.

Most of the rest of them look fairly good although some of them are kind of silly strong. I lvoe the idea of making Cripple do damage not sure about Vuln though.

Master Minor Trait (Rapid Reconstruction)While you are downed, you will consume 10% of your maximum life force to heal yourself for 150% of amount consumed until you get raised or run out of life force.This is a GREAT IDEA! Literally something that sounds 100% legit of a necromancer to do.

Unlocking a Mace for a light armored profession.... ok cool I can totally deal with that maces are not clunky and tend to be kinda interesting although slow.

The auto chain seems a bit much mostly with the 3rd chain of the auto attack.THESE COOL DOWNS ARE HIGH! D:20 AND 30 seconds on the 2 and 3 makes the weapon all round un usable for half a minute once you burn those skills. Unlike core and reaper you dont have 5 other skills to use because of how the shroud is built out. As far as for what skills 2 and 3 do.Skill 2 I like it its got stabilitySkill 3 I think this is also good but the cooldown is way too high

Because of how the shroud works I cant help but want to see some of the abilities gain bonus abilities while above 33% life force but using them above that consumes x amount of life force to boost the damage or effects even more. Sense you likely wont want to drop a whole bar of 15k lf into 1 skill.

The shroud skills!I love them honestly they are pretty nice but whats the radius on them?Some of the skills do seem a bit high but still they are cool af.

Turrets are meh to me honestly I personally wouldnt use them Some of them are interesting but my guess would be that they are about as useful as engi turrets or less.

Overall i like this one more than the nightborn one its pretty solid. Now can we get something power focused :+1:

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