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Anet, if you insist on nerfing condition Warrior repeatedly like this...


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The sad thing is that they buffed berserker for its dps a month before the release so we could forget that they just nerfed power berserker into oblivion and made the spec completely unviable for PvP and WvW. And now after everyone who does raids has bought the game condi war gets two huge nerfs. For what? People had too much fun playing warrior and dealing damage on a full blown dps elite?

It's also sad that there are people crying about warrior dealing too much dps in raids. It's a PVE game, GW2 is not a moba where class balance actually matters.Let people play the classes in PvE that they like and berserker is a full dps spec which brings zero group support on its own and it does less damage than an elementalist support elite.

That arenanet had to nerf warrior several hours after the PoF launch patch is especially shady so most people didn't even read it and noone complains. Well in the warrior forums there is hardly anyone here so it wouldn't have changed much.

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I honestly feel like its way way too early into the expansion to be casting any sort of shade on ANet, the class, or balancing. More than likely they are going to see how things play out during the future couple weeks or so, and then address any major concerns that they or the community may have.

I do feel that Spellbreaker could get a bit more damage on the dagger's auto-attack ect. or make our skills that punish skill use/stunned or dazed targets/boons a bit more punishing.

Anyways, I feel that Power builds will see some nice tweaks in the near future to calm any sort of, "The sky is falling" sort of attitudes.

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@Odokuro.5049 said:I honestly feel like its way way too early into the expansion to be casting any sort of shade on ANet, the class, or balancing. More than likely they are going to see how things play out during the future couple weeks or so, and then address any major concerns that they or the community may have.

I do feel that Spellbreaker could get a bit more damage on the dagger's auto-attack ect. or make our skills that punish skill use/stunned or dazed targets/boons a bit more punishing.

Anyways, I feel that Power builds will see some nice tweaks in the near future to calm any sort of, "The sky is falling" sort of attitudes.

Oh no, small tweaks will not do anything to help power builds.

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