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  1. EOTN Gw2 :) that would add a new playable race, Kodan.Canthan expantion would add Tengu's. Note: Kodan and Teng's would have only 1 specialization role, each one to fix each own racial atributes and mechanichs, this ould avoid to remake the skeleton to work will all classes animations. Actually that would be kewl, the Kodan and the Tengu could even have 1 class and 1 elite specialization for each race rather than have all classes and elites. This would facilitate the racial design and avoid having all skill in game animations worked for those races since those new races would have to have a new skeleton for the model and all animations worked for it, but shortening it to 1 elite and its trait could make it those races more easy to be deployed in game.The Kodan are just reskinned Norns (same skeleton/rig/animations) which would make it less of a hassle to use them, but on the other would make them feel sorta like a “cheap copy-paste”-solution. Hmm.
  2. I have no issues imagining a Norn Thief. Just think of a big, thuggish bandit enforcer kinda guy. Not all Thieves have to be pigeonholed into the same “agile ninja dude” stereotype.
  3. Or splitting it in PvE/PvP which a much higher revive chance in PvE. It sorta serves it’s purpose in PvP well enough.
  4. No game is gonna have an exclusively positive community. But the positive sections that do exists for GW2 are, indeed, great.
  5. Any class fits a Norn, really. One who sets out to build his Legend as the greatest Engineer ever is no less of a Norn than a Ranger or Warrior. Even Mesmer fits as Norns who worship Raven would be right at home with the trickster theme of the class.
  6. The problem with Vengeance is that it just ain’t worth it. The revive chance is far too low. Especially since just staying on you butt has 100% chance when tossing rocks.
  7. Koma-something Kotaki. I mostly remember the second part because it was based on the IRL name of the artist who conceived it, so it is a memorable lil’ tidbit like that.
  8. Well, in that case let it be known I likewise don’t know what they look like either. Also, well, Legendaries are Legendaries after all. If any item in the game exists that people should, and do, know the names of it is them. :lol: The thought to make this thread just came to me because I realized that while I’m well-versed with most Legendaries (even those I never plan on getting) I had no clue about these underwater ones, and I wanted to see if I was the only one or if that is how most people are given the nature of underwater content. :hushed:
  9. Because I honestly do not. Same with the Trident. I’m only familiar with the Spear because of it’s unique shark theme and name.
  10. It is like someone trying to do a Nemoyian Vulcan but without the little touches that made Spock’s mannerisms and voice work.
  11. Player Characters being Mary Sues is industry standard when it comes to vidja gajms. RPGs in particular. Power Fantasy and all that.
  12. Well, my hate for him stems mostly from a purely Norn-y perspective. I feel like the way my character dealt with his emo-ness was extremely jarring and unfitting to a character who also knew Eir to such a degree as he does. Had the writers actually given you some unique Norn-y ways to deal with him, I guess it wouldn't have been so bad. Like, my Norn knew Eir better then Braham ever could. I just wish he would've slapped him upside the head and told him off for being selfish in acting like Eir's death affected him way worse than anyone else... :angry: I agree completely about Braham, It felt very un norn like to mourn that way. I heard a lot of people say "he is a teen that lost his mother, it makes sense" but that would be true if he were a human, or not already established as being pretty typical norn as far as cultural values. To me, as a norn he was disrespecting his mother's legend by acting that way. Anet goes out of their way to say that Norn are not just big humans, but they constantly ignore Norn specific culture and just go for cliche, relatable writing, making them come off as essentially just big humans.I couldn’t agree more about how Anet are essentially wasting the potential of the Norn race. It is as you say, your average player really just sees them as “big humans”. Here’s hoping for a third expansion focusing on the Norns and Jormag, eh?
  13. Well, my hate for him stems mostly from a purely Norn-y perspective. I feel like the way my character dealt with his emo-ness was extremely jarring and unfitting to a character who also knew Eir to such a degree as he does. Had the writers actually given you some unique Norn-y ways to deal with him, I guess it wouldn't have been so bad. Like, my Norn knew Eir better then Braham ever could. I just wish he would've slapped him upside the head and told him off for being selfish in acting like Eir's death affected him way worse than anyone else... :angry: This is one of those situations of like many situations with GW2 as the one Commander of all the races has to some how act like a human, a norn, a Sylvari, an Asura and a Charr, without creating too much of a different narrative for the game. Yeah there’s the odd flavour line for the different races, but the outcome remains. If the Norn Commander gave Braham too much what for, then Braham would just shut up and learn his place which would then change the narrative, as it might not reflect an asura or a Sylvari. It’s a bit of tough thing really.Indeed. I totally understand “the why” so to speak. Still doesn’t make me any less irritated by it. The super-generic writing out of necessity for the Commander is probably the weakest part of the writing (especially compared to the first chapters of the personal story that are specifically designed for your race).
  14. I don't really care about different looks, personally. Diversity is good in that regard. What gets me is the obvious gaps in quality. The armour sets that have been in the game since launch understandably have way worse textures/models than the more recent stuff. There is plenty of it that I would like to use, but it looks so jarringly outdated that it is impossible to mix and match it with the more up-to-date armour pieces without it looking awkward. Wouldn't mind Anet going through all those older sets and giving them a newer, crisper coat of paint as it were.
  15. Well, my hate for him stems mostly from a purely Norn-y perspective. I feel like the way my character dealt with his emo-ness was extremely jarring and unfitting to a character who also knew Eir to such a degree as he does. Had the writers actually given you some unique Norn-y ways to deal with him, I guess it wouldn't have been so bad. Like, my Norn knew Eir better then Braham ever could. I just wish he would've slapped him upside the head and told him off for being selfish in acting like Eir's death affected him way worse than anyone else... :angry:
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