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musings on Renegade


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I am starting to think that Condirevs are better served by going back to chaining mallyx+jalis. The renegade spirits just takes too many clicks to setup, and doesnt feel very responsive nor immediate to use in a pinch. however kallas fervor is still quite good. I am thinking youd pick 2-1-2 in the renegade trait line. While youd not care about bleeds now, bloodfury helps upping the generation of kallas fervor and taking advantage of the trait that increases the max to 10 stacks. and invocation helps generating fury, and you deal more damage when affected by fury.

I still find the F2 and F3 skills fairly useful, the first for a mightspike when at 10 stacks of kalls and bombardement seems to do decent damage. F4 im fairly puzzled over as we dont seem to need alacrity that much.

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I think you might be right. Shortbow is god awful and most of the renegade skills are crap. The heal is quite good, but in a good raid group you wont need it. I am wondering if possibly Razorclaw's Rage might make it worth running. It gives the bleed every hit per second, which could possibly be more dps than a full 50% usage of jalis hammers given your group is all condi(which it should be). Possibly the rotation becomes mallyx elite, standard rotation, renegade, razorclaw's rage into order's from above, spam 1, 2, and 3(probably not enough energy left for skill 5), rinse and repeat. You lose some dps by casting rage, but it should heavily outweigh your cast time. I think the traits should be 2-2-3 personally. You get the bleed bonus from razorclaw's rage and the other traits that dont involve bleed are trash anyway. Righteous Rebel should pretty much always be the trait you use in a group, since it gives 6 seconds of alacrity, and your cooldown for it comes back after you go into mallyx and back into renegade. It's to be determined if the group buff is even worth it though.

Alternatively, Revenants could go back to Mallyx/Jalis combo, ignore the alacrity, take the 10 stack of fervor trait, and just go straight condi dps, with no support. It all comes down to two things: 1. Does your group need 6 seconds of alacrity with a 12 second cooldown? and 2. Does giving 10 stacks of 3 seconds of bleed to 5 players outweigh the damage of the .75 second cast time and 5 seconds of jalis hammers? If the answer to either of these are yes, I think the renegade legend will see play.

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been trying the renegade spirits some more with mixed results. Getting them to cast faster with options was a step in the right direction, but they may still end villy nilly if you dont keep track of your cursor. But theres been so many times where i died because i couldnt place spirits, no path to target even if green, which is pulling me back to jalis and ditching the kalla legend. But i am keeping kallas fury and the shortbow, i find it quite useful to have a ranged option. And a sigil of agony in the bow helps getting the bleeding up to par at least until anet fixes the bug with the broken blood fury that doesnt increase bleeding duration at all.

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I've been trying to make kalla work and I got it to an enjoyable level. I use sigil of draining and sigil of frenzy(new PoF sigil) on shortbow and it does amazingly well in groups. Opening with scorchrazor and dropping darkrazor's daring into a group, I can get tons of lifesteal for extra sustain and damage. The sigil of frenzy give 6 seconds of alacrity(10 sec CD) on kill and I've been running righteous rebel for more alacrity on F4. Though it's not always ready, the uptime on scorchrazor and darkrazor is very good. I've noticed PoF has lots of clumped up mobs which my setup plows through. For WvW midlining, it does pretty well, I just have to slot Shiro for mobility. I haven't found a way to make solo-roaming and very small scale work yet. These 2 sigils really changed the feeling of Kalla IMO, maybe spend some proof of heroics and try them out?

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