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Eater of Souls - The Departed


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If you're having trouble beating I can help shed some light on this, it's tricky the first time but simple after you understand it. What you really have to keep a eye out for is when it's about to do a leap strike(It will have a small circle AoE in front of the boss) Because right after it does that attack it goes into pull health siphon mode. 2 things you can do. When you see the circle telegraph in front of it appear, run away and gain some distance. It'll start to pull you but it won't gain any health so long as you've gained a bit of distance(Remember to keep moving away so you're not pulled to it.) The second option is to CC it when it's doing the leap attack. Any hard CC should break it easily(Guardian Shield 5 broke the bar every time), then proceed to continue to DPS with amplified damage. If you're not confident you'll land a hard CC in time, option one works best. Hope it helps.

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I was desperate in the beginning with the Boss, but after changing my tactic it was quite easy for me.

1.) Do DMG and keep moving around him2.) When he jumps don't use evade, use you initial movement around him for that.3.) As soon he hits the spot evade 2x directly after another in direction away from him4.) keep distance until he did the second jump attack that he does always after 3

With that i was able to kill him quickly, important is to safe evade only for the vacuum attack and keep distance for the second jump attack.

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Killed this silly boss first go after reading Irasch's comment.As holosmith, engaged in Photon and did as much damage with skills 1, 2, 3 not 4, 5 because they generate too much heat (don't want to overheat while evading the drain) when he does his jump just double evaded away from him. Once you get far enough away you can stand still and the animation for the lifesteal will hit you but it won't do anything. Turned off photon and went in with the 3 for quickness, then use whatever skills. Rinse and repeat four times and he should die.

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Absolutely ridiculous. Break skills don't recharge fast enough to stop the life steal. This episode is already long enough. Did anyone actually think this would be FUN??? We should be able to solo the stories -- they shouldn't be like raid bosses. However, if the posted "cheese" way to do this encounter is what was actually planned as the anticipated way people would do it, then there's no indication that it is the expected way.

Let me add something that is hopefully constructive: If you really want these types of encounters in the story, then please make them achievements so that those of us who want to play the story in a more casual way can get though it without so much frustration.

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Everything about the fight with the Soul Eater was stupid. I couldn't figure out how to beat it so I stuck him in the cage with Joko (effectively pausing the stupid fight) and Googled how to beat him. The fight was annoying, broken, and the only way I could figure out that didn't result in him healing himself to full every 30 seconds was to stick him behind the chains and auto attack for two minutes. I want to have fun, not that.

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This game should not make me leave my computer in anger because of a bosses unclear and frustrating mechanics during a story that is meant to be solo'd. Which is exactly what I did for the boss fight. I was having a blast with the new expansion until this point, and it was a brick wall in what had been an enjoyable experience. Something needs to be done for this fight to balance it out for all the classes. Cause currently this favors classes with a ton of easy and quick CC. But on my Weaver (which I'm still trying to learn) it was impossible.

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This fight is insane i could not beat it on my Guard. My wife was able to take it down with a full zerker ranger so we could get the update. It is a dps race against the heal of the mob as everyone else has said. avoiding the heal will only get you so far if you can't maange huge amounts of damage.

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I just finished this fight. After reading a few comments here I made some adjustments to my build and was able to take him down. I discovered that if you are able to hit his first break bar it cancels out the chain to the second. I'm not sure if someone else mentioned this because I didn't read all the comments, but thought I would include it. I ended up using this for my Specializations: Wilderness Survival - center line, Marksmanship - 1st center trait, then bottom trait for the final two, and Soulbeast - top line. I went into Soulbeast mode and did as much damage as I could while making sure my LB 4 was all set for that first break bar. I got him down in maybe 8 minutes after I got in the rhythm. I just hope this helps somebody XD GL HF

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I cannot kill him, he cannot kill me. I tried staying at range as some people commented to avoid his beam attack, but he follows me around rather quickly and keeps himself in range. The cage chain trick might not work anymore, either. He was jumping through the cage in my instance. Anyway, the story was very nice -- and then it stopped. Will try again with another build next weekend. :(

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Hi all. I was struggling with this boss. Then i thought about it and found him pretty fast to kill after. All i did was auto attack while waiting for his blue bar, even no attack is fine. As soon as the bar popped, use any cc, as he is stunned for a short time, just burst whatever big hits you got as they will be saved from only AA before hand, he takes damage pretty easy during this. As soon as he stops being stunned just keep AA or backing away waiting for the bar again. This worked for me after 3 breaks of the bar. If you die just run back asap, and wait for blue bar again. Hope this helps someone.

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with how short his blue bar was up, ive only been able to stun him with abilitys that have a half second cast time. if i used somthing that had three-quarters cast time, it was hit or miss if i was quick enough to cast it. the other issue ive had, is if he downs me then he pretty much heals back to full by the time im dead. so it doesnt matter how fast i run back to him.so i thought, ill just dodge his whats-it attack. others have suggest this worked for them. then im usually running into the issue of running out of energy.maybe your advice will help someone, but mechanically this is a very dull fight. there are going to be people that clear this fight very easy, and some that will really struggle, because the simple design of the fight will not treat different builds equally.simple mechanics are why people dont like things. look at smoke scales, i dont know anyone that likes fighting them. they do two things, put down a smoke field that you cant kill them in, and jump all around you so you cant kill them.

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Went in as Mirage with axe/focus and scepter/pistol. It was a nightmare. I couldn't CC fast enough and apparently Mirage's version of dodge DOES NOT WORK. I dodged twice every time, saw the blurr, and he healed to full every time. Swapped to Chrono because I figured I'd have a better chance and oh...wait, I can't get into my inventory to swap to weapons that would actually help me, like greatsword! Tried thinking maybe the dodging would be enough...NOPE. Gotta make sure you hit that split second CC bar! Good luck getting Moa on that guy! So back to square one, there goes a wasted hour of my life.

I'm already frustrated with the Story boss fights. I love the lore of GW2, I love the story, but going in to any story mission freaks me out now because have no idea how long it's going to trap me for and if at the end I'll fail because I'll get too frustrated on a boss whos mechanics they don't bother to hint at or explain (yeah, I know some do but there are plenty that don't) or I can't do because my build isn't what they had in mind (this is what happens more often then not, maybe because I'm a Mesmer and I'm not exactly king of DPS). I was really hoping PoF would be better, but it really isn't. This particular story missions is just awful. First a round of fighting an enemy you can't beat, then wandering without direction, then a fight that, if you're not prepared for just so, you're screwed on. Not okay.

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@effybuttonmoon.4607 said:Hi all. I was struggling with this boss. Then i thought about it and found him pretty fast to kill after. All i did was auto attack while waiting for his blue bar, even no attack is fine. As soon as the bar popped, use any cc, as he is stunned for a short time, just burst whatever big hits you got as they will be saved from only AA before hand, he takes damage pretty easy during this. As soon as he stops being stunned just keep AA or backing away waiting for the bar again. This worked for me after 3 breaks of the bar. If you die just run back asap, and wait for blue bar again. Hope this helps someone.

While it's possible to kill him, it's not remotely fun. It's boring and incredibly tedious and definitely favors some classes over others. I think that's what people are most upset about. At least that's what I am. You're comment is helpful....it's just ridiculous that Anet would make this fight at all thinking it was "fun."

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This is the first boss fight in the entire game that I've quit instead of checkpointing. I read through various how-tos before engaging it and was completely unable to dodge, keep distance, out-DPS the leeching, etc. After a Balthazar fight that took me about 25 minutes (most of it being rezzed by him only to have my next attack interrupted by him killing me again), I was in no mood for another tedious slog. Quitting the fight and finding myself at the instance point right before the Balthazar fight, implying I'll have to do that again, was the straw that broke PoF for me. Fun maps, fun mounts, good story, but the boss fights are so at odds with the rest of the experience that I just don't know what to do other than put it on hold for awhile.

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I struggled VERY VERY long on thiss boss, until I discovered its weakness! And then it became EXTREMELY easy.I play Gaurdian Axe, so I had an advantage, but Mesmers, Rangers and other classes can pull this off too.

When his break bar goes blue, Use a Pull, Push, or any form of CC. It will INSTANTLY stun him.If he gets you and you are still alive, just keep running around until you have your heal up again and are back at full HP.Also, His HP does NOT reset immediately if you get downed. Just get some CC skills ready and you can make it.

Build is not important, the key is CC when his breakbar becomes BLUE!

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I haven't read all posts, so not sure if I am giving a tip that I have already given.. If so, I apologise!I did it on my necro, kind of lame tactic, but hey, it worked: I let my minions get aggro, then ran out of range. I stayed at the edge of range with my staff and slowly wore him down. His attacks didn't reach me and didn't kill my minions or healed on it.

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This fight.... spirits give me strength.... We tried for /hours/. a scourge and a weaver... Balthazar was cake, but the eater of souls....with the weaver out of commission as a stupid ghost orb, the scourge was stuck flying solo. It's bad enough the scourge is fairly broken, being stuck at 1/3 dps with no boons to rip, but the cc it can do, although fairly effective, when you can get them go off in that half second window, don't stop the healing. We've never rage quit a fight before, usually we take it as a challenge to be conquered. (we laughed as our five man party got slaughtered down to two during the mordremoth fight and kept going.) we are quite capable players....but this... this fight is beyond broken. either extend the length the break bar is available to give a caster a chance to actually /use/ their skills, or nerf it's healing....it jumped from 60% to full in one gulp. that's ...disheartening to anyone who's struggled to get any damage at all on it.

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