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Eater of Souls - The Departed


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I love this game, everything about Path of Fire I have been enjoying. Sure, I have gotten frustrated in the past with a few things in the game, but none have made me more frustrated than this fight. No matter what I try, I just can't get past it. I consider myself more of a casual player and really hate to spend so much time not only trying to figure out how to defeat this thing, but spending so much time that I need a break only to come back and have to do the whole instance all over again. Some constructive criticism here, maybe try to break it up a bit? I have no idea of dev innner workings, but is it possible to place like a memory node or something that is character based so that if you decide you need a break you can come back and not do everything that leads up to the fight again? Is it also possible that they can nerf this boss a bit as well? I really am enjoying the storytelling, but I can't continue the story with this obstacle in the way.

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dear god, threads like that are serious? just try few more times and you get it, try something else, something different... I am NOT a pro player and I've done this on my first go. The moment Arena net starts changing everything because some people are lazy this game will start to be mockery of games it will be so easy. And will be boring.

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@Theocraft.6053 said:dear god, threads like that are serious? just try few more times and you get it, try something else, something different... I am NOT a pro player and I've done this on my first go. The moment Arena net starts changing everything because some people are lazy this game will start to be mockery of games it will be so easy. And will be boring.

Can you please go into detail how you did it, I am all about help, just saying "I did it on the first go" is no help at all, give us things like, the build you used, what class you used, gear, rotation, all the details, you know, actual help.

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It's a tricky fight, as the break bar window is so short. I've been running around having a great time with my Holosmith, but it was quickly evident that the new spec was not going to be adequate to win this one. I was meaning to drop my rifle off at the bank, but thankfully I had forgotten to do so. If I had I'd still be there haplessly fighting with sword and pistol.

What I ended up doing was switching back to Scrapper to layer on toughness. I then dropped two turrets behind the Eater of Souls. I sat there and auto attacked with the rifle, waited for the bar to turn blue and then used rifle 4 for knock back. Afterwards I immediately switched to my flamethrower kit and auto attacked until the bar turned blue, then used flamethrower 3. Back to rifle, rinse and repeat. He was really easy after that.

What you need most of all is two CC skills with fast cast times and short cool downs. If you do not have those then this fight is probably unwinnable. As I said before, if I didn't happen to have my rifle with me I would have been screwed.

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I killed the eater of souls rather quickly and easily. I'm running chrono using a phantasm build - I switched in blink, and 2 CC utils for the fight.I hope this helps in some way and gives some info and perspective for those who have been struggling with this fight. Even if you are not playing the same class as me perhaps you can take some guidance from this video and replicate the strats using the class that you are playing on.

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After my third death I beat him as a chrono. Spawned 3 duelists and then stayed at max range with my greatsword. I used moa and my utility for breakbar but it turns out by staying max range he didn't seem to heal nearly as much and rarely leapt over to me. It ended up being a cakewalk.

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An update to what I did, I was finally able to defeat it with the help of my guild mate. He defeated it already so while on discord with me he was able to give me ques on what to do. I played it as a ranger, (meta zerker build) electric wvyrm (sp? too lazy to look it up right now) and lion pets, he would tell me when to switch pets, dodge, etc. I found that the eater kind of had his focus on him so that helped as well. Hope this helps anyone having any problems.

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Deadeye here - this fight was literally impossible for me. I went at it for an hour or so with no luck. Turning and running in the opposite direction during the drain will keep you away from him, but it will not stop the heal; I was pumping full might with the best burst I could muster and didn't even get him under 70%. The only way I got past it was to find a pug party with a ranger and accept credit at the end....something I'm still upset I had to do, as I very much enjoy seeing my own character in the cutscenes when I am experiencing story chapters for the first time.

That aside, this fight punishes you for bringing friends - anyone who gets turned into a spirit guardian is effectively useless aside from the negligible heals, and the boss can also draw health from them...pretty much, if your friends come with you, your best shot is still to solo this boss while your buddies stand somewhere beyond its range. Not fun for the person who opened the instance, not fun for the people trying to help. I understand that it breaks the flavor of the instance to have other people in the instance with you, but if this boss isn't going to be changed, we should at least be able to get our friends to help us fight with their full skillsets and equipment. This feels very much like a boss appropriate for group play, definitely not for a forced solo.

Eater of souls aside, I quite enjoyed doing the story prior to that. I thought the preceding boss was interesting and that his rezzing mechanic brought some really good brutality to the narrative, and the second map is gorgeous. The undirected searches, in my opinion, do very well for the chapter's flavor...but I know that not everybody cares about flavor and immersion, especially when they just want to chew through things for their loot and other story rewards.

Have not tried exploiting any glitches to get past yet, but I'm sure that isn't the solution most devs want their players to seek out. As it stands, this story mission is promising, but the eater of souls is barring a lot of players from story and some open world content - it is in dire need of a fix.

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I noticed a few guardians with issues on this fight and I felt alllll your pain with my slow moving FB dying twice before a friend worked me through my rage and pain with offered tips.The running method does work even with a guard (Fireband elite for me on this fight) with no movement bonuses, but it seems like you have to play a little stingier. No matter what bring at least two CC's with you. And remember - you're slow. <-- so painfully important.

1.) Save your CC's - knock them entirely out of your regular key rotation until you need them.
2.) Be ready to disengage. I dropped my hardest hitting burst rotation and then disengaged. You want to stay ahead of his first jump while saving your dodges, so you'll probably have to stop fighting and start running sooner than speedier classes. (Wings of Resolve is a great movement skill here, plus a heal if you're running Dragonhunter)3.) First jump (boss) - Yes, we guardians can break his bar here, but depending on what skills you're using for CC, cast times make it tricky. Just make sure you're out of the circle first because you don't want to heal that guy.4.) tether - dodge rolling twice away from the boss (remember those saved dodges) can make sure that he gains very little health back. (Wings of Resolve also works and I'm sure some ppl will recommend GS3 but... I always end up diving right back to the boss >_> when I use that.5.) His area effect attack after the the tether is the best chance to CC and stun him. So I'd stun him (Gs5 or signet) and use my GS3 (haha) to leap in there and unleash all my pent up fury on him. Dragonhunters - this is when you drop alllllllllllllll the traps (except dragon's maw if you're trying to use it for CC). Shouts are quick and now is the time to use them to buff you and go to town on this guy. Once I dropped my hardest hitting attacks, I went to auto attack to judge when to disengage again.

Firebrands - If you keep some distance, you'll only need your base heal skill to keep you up for you're face timing the boss for a brief bit after the stun. So don't worry too much about tome of resolve unless your having issues. We do have access to taunt and a pull in tomes, but..... tbh having used our pull, I haven't noticed it having an effect on break bars (anyone else noticing the same?) . Anyway, I switched to Tome of Buffs (Tome of Courage for 4 & 5 ) and then swapped back to GS for pain dealing.

Dragonhunters - has anyone had any luck with timing Dragon's Maw on the first leap? I admit the first boss jump is the one that frustrated me (short breakbar and I have slooow reaction times) and I'm curious as to success stories here. Suggestions: long bow for auto attack while on the run and LB#2 when you can for additional damage. LB5 miiiiiiight be too slow.

Core Guards - It's been a while since I played a core guard. I think GS and scepter/torch (or shield) along with shouts and Signet might be your best bets to give you some range (septer) and CC (signet, shield or torch) and use shouts to max damage when you can stun him.

TBH, this fight frustrated the heck out of me at first because - as guardians are prone to be slow - I couldn't seem to dodge anything, but his attack pattern is managable even without breaking the break bar (how many times I failed that is sad, but my reaction times are terrible). Also, I love guardian and dragonhunter and want to love firebrand as much, so I hope any of this might help my fellow guards.

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@Manasa Devi.7958 said:

@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Orimidu.9604 said:What were you thinking anet?! A boss that self heals way too often in a mission where your party members get bugged because it’s focused on the instance owner? I can’t pass this solo and it’s impossible to do in a group.

I just did it with my condition Scourge, and it was a mere matter of maybe two minutes to finish him off. There is a reason why boon reversal was introduced in PoF. Also, keeping your distance, keeping in constant movement and dodging the right second helped, too. ;)

If only one could change their weapon setup and not be stuck with what you happened to have equiped.

Okay, that is very true. But now that we know, the next character we take on this journey will be prepared. ;)

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If any engis were also stuck on this fight like I was, I managed to very, very slowly kill it using every turret I had available to me, including the elite skill turret. I'd place them near the Eater of Souls and RUN AWAY as far as possible, and then wait as the turrets killed him slowly. I had to replace the turrets a few times but eventually they beat him down while me and my friend waited on the sidelines complaining to each other and occasionally laughing at the insanity of our strategy in voice chat. Took maybe 15-20 minutes for the turrets to end him. Hope that helps (especially if you don't know what the hell counts as CC and what does not, 'cause I don't!).

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I just defeated him as a core Ranger with hunter stats. I have like 25k hp (yay vitality!), so his lifesteal didn't do much. I first tried cheesing with Joko's cage, but he wouldn't get stuck. I ran around like an idiot for an hour, died twice, and then I noticed that he didn't take any life from my pet. I managed to cheese myself into a little nook at the back of Joko's prison. My LOS was obstructed, but my build has this fun poison thing- I forget the traits- so essentially every hit my jungle stalker made was CC. I spammed Sic 'Em and the Eater went down within about five minutes. It was pretty frustrating until I found that hiding spot; then it was boring.Oh, and there are checkpoints now. When the EoS kills you, you're no longer sent back to the beginning of the Balth fight.Hope this helped other vanilla Rangers!

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This fight was a bear, but if you are a warrior with a bow you can glitch it and win. This boss, is a stupid OP fight so I do not feel bad about doing it this way.

Here is how you win ..

This was a condi/Zerk build, So the only two skills you will need are Combustive shot (longbow ) and any recharge skill that gives you adrenaline to drop it.in my case it was shattering blow.. so the fight goes like this.

Get the soul eater stuck behind a tree or the cage (he will face you and just keep trying to get at you) stay just outside his range for his suction .Once you get him stuck and out of range. then spam shattering blow, that gives you enough adrenaline to toss out combustive shot. (AE) you will need to do this about 30 times in rotation and you will slowly burn him down. At some point he will hit you with a fear at 80% dead. But Lock him up again behind the cage and he's toast.

good luck , This boss is way too much cheese to feel good about

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Okay Arena Net, this fight is awful. It speaks volumes when I can easily whittle Balthazar down to almost nothing without so much as batting an eye, but this little snot give me trouble. I typically ignore it when enemies life drain me, because I can usually stomach it easily and keep their health dropping. This guy, I would knock down roughly 1/4 of his health, his siphon would go off, and he'd be back to full. Thought it might be my minions, so re-built my necro to go minionless. Didn't help at all. Even tried to re-spec into the new necro torch thing that I'm not 100% on yet. Same problem every time. Was admittedly kinda pissed that I had to log out, thereby quitting the instance, to re-gear. I'm gonna give it another go tomorrow, but given that I was wielding and wearing all ascended gear, and have had no trouble prior to this point, it's kind of an irritating roadblock when something as odd as a siphon is giving me trouble. Near as I can tell, he is healing off of his tether too, because I'm double dodging away and still running and his health just keeps going up. I'm not getting anywhere near death during my fight, but I can't keep his health down, and simply didn't have the proper gear to build into any kind of super stuns or anything.

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