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Need Advice on new Soulbeast Power Ranger


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BOTTOM LINE: where's the best place to research this topic. I've been away from the game for many months, but have 5 lvl80s. I thought to re-renter with my Ranger, focus on PvE and gradually learn more and more about the Soulbeast. Although from what I read and seen there is an emphasis on condition damage, I want to start with what I have --- which is a full Ascended Zojja Berserker gear set. I am most familiar with the Axe/Warhorn and Longbow build, and I thought to use the Lion and Jacaranda as my soulmates. I've obviously, gotten far enough into the new expansion to unlock the Soulbeast, and have, as well, gotten my first two mounts --- great fun so far! I think I need to focus on a combination of more DPS and survivability --- without a damage meter, I only can assume I'm doing OK.

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For open PvE power is fine. Condi is more favored in group content PvE due to higher dmg.Sword, OH axe, GS, LB, WH can all be used very efficiently on a power builds.Atm it is very effective to take beastmastery for bonus stats when merged or to take Nature Magic and the "fresh reinforcement" trait on soulbeast.The Fresh reinforcement and NM combo gives high boon uptime but you need to jump in and out of beastmode for that.Beastmastery allows for more dmg when camping or bursting with beastmode.

Marksmanship is always handy when using longbow and stoneform is a life saver.

Hope this heloed a bit.Mist things you can find on Metabattle or Snowcrows site. You will probably find power soulbeast in the more competitive regions although it is totally fine to use it as an open PvE build with some tweaks.

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