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Master of Decor, World 1 Bug

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So it appears that theres a bug in the achievement. After spending about 2 hours working towards the furniture shop for the Hot hot hot! tick I got there and then never got the item crossed off. I've collected all the tokens, ran round the whole room (what won't kill me) I've taken screenshots with dates and times shown and the error. I imagine by time anyone who could sort this reads this, the event will be closed down. But in the vain attempt, can someone please alter my achievement to show completion, thats all I'm bothered about.https://ibb.co/hXEfNS

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When the time is right in this image, then you were in the SAB while it already was deactivated. And thus all achievements weren't accessible as well.

I was in the SAB world 1-1 when it hits 9pm. I stayed in the level, but destroying the honey comb did not get me any daily achievement anymore. So I assume, with you it was the same.

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