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Do reports even matter?

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I had this player on my team in comp pvp this morning, entire team reported him since we went instantly afk. Then I play against him, he also afk's. Then I get him again hours later, and he afk's again. Making me think he's been afking for about 4 hours str8.....

1 how is this guy throwing every game still getting matched with me?

2 if every team keeps reporting the guy, how is he not getting banned?

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You have no clue how often i got the warning from this forum moderator about staying nice to ppl in the forum (is this moderator a bot btw?), i wasn't even using any insulting words in the posts he linked for the warning. Still not sure to laugh or to cry about that... for now it seems he gave up on me, i made some insults like "calling core guard player monkeys" without any warning received. Maybe i just was too right with that xD But never say they did a mistake with the mesmer phantasm rule...

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I doubt reports work...

Someone in my game told another player to kill himself, then he told a player in the next game to do the same... Then I seen him 2 days later still telling people to do the world a favor...

Haven't seen him since, maybe something was done about it, who knows.

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