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see title pvp and wvw need the balance from before HOT back. PVE is fine with big numbers, but PVP and WVW is no fun if i can do the same damage what i can do in pve. before HOT it was fun now you have so much DPS that you don't need toughnes or anything to make a build only above 20k hp and damage. ANET YOU NEED TO DO A MASSIVE NERF TO ALL THE SKILLS SPLIT IT AND NERF IT WITH 50% or even 70% on ALL CLASSES. POWER CREEP is no fun why you think so manny people juist have stopped playing the game.

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@Vieux P.1238 said:Oh,...., clickbait. Another mesmer nerf thread when i thought it was something else.

OW i see what you mean but no it was about htat everything is to much and the fun is out the game because powercreep. I did say everything need a nerf and balanced. I'm not only calling for a mesmer nerf i'm calling for a BALANCING NERF.

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@will de grijze jager.6594 said:

@Vieux P.1238 said:Oh,...., clickbait. Another mesmer nerf thread when i thought it was something else.

OW i see what you mean but no it was about htat everything is to much and the fun is out the game because powercreep. I did say everything need a nerf and balanced. I'm not only calling for a mesmer nerf i'm calling for a BALANCING NERF.

I differ to your opinion. My proof is in your TITLE. Are you really gonna argue otherwise? sigh...

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