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Question about Action Mode

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I've been playing around with Action Mode the last couple days, trying to see if I can make it work, and I like it for the most part. But, I have a few things I can't figure out, and wanted to see if I was just doing it wrong or if it is simply a limitation of the camera mode.

My main issue is mostly with targeted skills. A good example is the Greatsword 4 on a Mesmer. I expected in this mode to be able to point at a mob and use that skill, and have it target that mob. But I'm finding instead that it fails to cast, or casts at nothing. Do I still need to tab target in order to get targets for skills like that?

Also, for those of you who use this mode, how do you handle reward pop ups (the ones above the mini map). Maybe it's just my OCD, but I want to open them and get rid of the pop up ASAP, and having to turn off the mode each time gets kind of annoying.

Any other general tips on using it would also be appreciated, thanks for your help!

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@Zumi.6384 said:I've been playing around with Action Mode the last couple days, trying to see if I can make it work, and I like it for the most part. But, I have a few things I can't figure out, and wanted to see if I was just doing it wrong or if it is simply a limitation of the camera mode.

My main issue is mostly with targeted skills. A good example is the Greatsword 4 on a Mesmer. I expected in this mode to be able to point at a mob and use that skill, and have it target that mob. But I'm finding instead that it fails to cast, or casts at nothing. Do I still need to tab target in order to get targets for skills like that?

You probably haven't enabled autotargetting in the options menu. That option allows you to automatically target foes when you use skills without the need to click on them.

Also, for those of you who use this mode, how do you handle reward pop ups (the ones above the mini map). Maybe it's just my OCD, but I want to open them and get rid of the pop up ASAP, and having to turn off the mode each time gets kind of annoying.

Any other general tips on using it would also be appreciated, thanks for your help!

You can't do anything about the reward pop ups in Action Camera. You have to use the traditional camera for the mouse cursor to open the rewards and close them. This, along with many other reasons is why I use the traditional camera.

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You can target enemies by right clicking at them, but that can be a bit difficult when there are a lot of players around said enemy (champion bounty for example). In that case, Using tab might be a good substitute (if you don't have autotargeting enabled)

As for the rewards, what I usually do is I open my inventory, Hero journal or anything else; that lets you use your mouse as if action mode is disabled. If that gets too annoying for you then you can assign "toggle action camera" to a key of your liking so that you can enable and disable it whenever you want

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