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How to play new elite specs?


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Can someone please explain to me how you unlock and play the new elite specs? I have 16 so called hero points. How in the name of god am I supposed to unlock the elite spec without spending a month or longer trying to get more hero points? Is there no other way to unlock this? I have done almost all hero point in central Tyria.

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If you have Heart of Thorns, the hero points there and I believe also in Path of Fire give 10 hero points for each 1 that you successfully get. The hero points that you get in the core game will fully train your core abilities and specializations and should start 1 of the 2 elites, but to finish the elite spec that you want you'll need to finish in either HoT or PoF.

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I play a lot of WvW and over the past while have been building up my abilty to purchase hero Points via the Heroic notary where you can purchase said points. I have used that accumlation of points to fully trait up 5 separate characters with the full Specialization unlock.

If you hvae not or do not do WvW you will have to use the method used when HOT released (the ability o gain HP's was dded to WvW after HOT release) and that by running maps looking for hero points and completing the tasks. On that release there was enough points available that you could solo so as to fully unlock all of the spec. The best way is to Run the various maps to find the WP's and Hero points.

As mentioned Central Tyria points only allow 1 point per. Those in the expansions are ten per making it much easier. Once you do it on a character you can generally do all the others in a single day.

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You are not required to do ANY WvW to fully unlock new elite specs. All you have to do is follow PoF story and do challenges in each map, eventually you have gathered enough points to unlock whole elite. You can also do some challenges in HoT region (if you own HoT expansion). HoT actually provided enough points to unlock PoF elite the moment it was released so I expect PoF also does not require finishing up every single map for it.

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