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Skritt Rescue Recording

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I'm at a loss. I've been trying to do the events to obtain this recording. I've seen older forum posts that state bugs locking the event(s) up. But the area where they're supposed to start is a ghost town. Neither the freeing subject s or the escort of subject s are even available to be triggered. Maybe i'm missing some other step. I freed the test subject from the gas chamber in the story for the achievement, and checked the area before, during and after the specimen chamber events. The info on this is sparse at best.

Am I doing it wrong?

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Not sure if it will be helpful, but I got it by lurking and watching for Destroying the Shield Generators, which starts on the roof over the water tank, and I think I had to be right near it even to see it was available. Pure luck that I was able to find it before it started and call it out.
Sadly, the wiki map is no good (at least for me on Firefox, it's just an orange gear over an 'interactive' empty black square.)

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@"Bot.7049" said:I'm at a loss. I've been trying to do the events to obtain this recording. I've seen older forum posts that state bugs locking the event(s) up. But the area where they're supposed to start is a ghost town. Neither the freeing subject s or the escort of subject s are even available to be triggered. Maybe i'm missing some other step. I freed the test subject from the gas chamber in the story for the achievement, and checked the area before, during and after the specimen chamber events. The info on this is sparse at best.

Am I doing it wrong?

So, I found it at Tunnel Access Epsilon which is basically the entrance closest to the Olmekhan Village waypoint. It runs through that tunnel, so being in there is your best bet.

If it is bugged you will find Subject S and his skritt buddies hanging outside that entrance, with a forcefield up, and a robot, and nothing happening. If this is the case, you can't do it on that map: it won't reset. Find a map instance without that problem, or wait until a patch at which time all instances will be working, at least for a while.

If it is not you should be able to get it done by just hanging out around there until the event starts.

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@"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:Sadly, the wiki map is no good (at least for me on Firefox, it's just an orange gear over an 'interactive' empty black square.)

It pulls from the ANet API, just like most things do, and that doesn't have map data for the location. You can zoom out a bit to get some-but-not-all of the map shown without detail, but ... yeah. So, no maps for that area, basically.

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@Merre.4835 said:I'm also having some trouble with this. I can't get into another map instance and Subject S and his buddies are bugged...:(Is there a way to change map instance if there's no lfg groups for the map?

There is not. Maps do reset after a patch, which is one option for getting this, but you can try exiting and reentering the map, which may place you in a different instance -- if one actually exists.

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