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Returning Player Looking for People to Game With!

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Hey all! o/

I left the game about a year and a half ago (and mmos altogether) to handle RL priorities. I have come across some free time lately, so I decided to jump back into the scene! Unfortunately I only have time to dedicate to one MMO but....fortunately...that MMO is GW2! I've heard great things about this game since I've left and am excited to jump back into it, and explore the new expansions!

I'm currently on NA Server - Tarnished CoastTimezone - CST ( generally play late evenings/nights)80 Mesmer (< Decided as my main)80 Thief80 Warrior

Can't wait to hear back from you all...Peace and Love

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@SharkBait.5364 said:Hey all! o/

I left the game about a year and a half ago (and mmos altogether) to handle RL priorities. I have come across some free time lately, so I decided to jump back into the scene! Unfortunately I only have time to dedicate to one MMO but....fortunately...that MMO is GW2! I've heard great things about this game since I've left and am excited to jump back into it, and explore the new expansions!

I'm currently on NA Server - Tarnished CoastTimezone - CST ( generally play late evenings/nights)80 Mesmer (< Decided as my main)80 Thief80 Warrior

Can't wait to hear back from you all...Peace and Love

hit me up when you're on =) .

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Hey man. I've played GW2 on and off since vanilla (albeit not often overall). Only ever got my ranger to 55 and a necromancer to 38. Nevertheless, I'm starting up again (from scratch to relearn the game properly) and wouldn't mind some company. If you're not interested in rolling another alt, no need to reply! Just looking for people to experience the game with. Feel free to add me!

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