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Ladder Systems and Team Games - Doing it Wrong


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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@"BeLZedaR.4790" said:Good points.

Edit: figured I should mention that allowing prems in ranked is still a mistake in gw2 specifically and it was proven before. Aside from that though, good points.

So exactly how is GW2 so different from every other multiplayer, team-based PvP game, that this entire video doesn't apply to it?

Just stating, "It was proven that premades were bad for GW2." without actually providing evidence or reason for saying so, isn't enough.

Newsflash! Competitive PvP in GW2 is terrible. Why? Watch the video again if you didn't understand it the first time.

Well, I’ll say that even in other games 5 man is a mistake (I’ll explain in a sec), but that’s different from duo queue. I actually advocate for duo queue to return.

Why is 5 man a mistake? In gw2’s case i personally think s1-4 or prior to that is enough proof that the only thing it brings is people who don’t deserve it to the top ranks because a full team of plat 3s vs 1-2 legends + plat2s random team is usually going to be a victory for team of plat3s that also have discord. Unless ofc the legends are like misha+sindrener or something alike.

But let’s put gw2 aside for a second and look at overwatch. Do you see ANY pro player going on full stacks for ranked? Ever? No, you don’t. Top players don’t do ranked to test their team’s skill because that’s not and never was the goal of ranked play. Ranked play is about self-development, and testing yourself, not your team.

Good players test their team in two ways, tournaments and scrims. Gw2 has both.

The only people that really benefit from full stacks are the “almost-pro” that are good enough to stomp almost any setup of randoms with their full stack, giving them high rank.

So good players don’t really need 5 man, unless they want higher leaderboard ranks they don’t deserve.

But what about the casual player, who “just want to play with friends”?There’s unranked for you. The definition goal of unranked is: “just play, in whatever party size you like and have fun.” Unranked has the flaw that it’s not rewarding, but it’s out of topic right now. But if you just want to play with friends for that goal alone, and not to inflate your rank, there’s unranked. If you want to increase your rank, become a better player as an individual.

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