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So I played a few games as a scourge


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because scourge (rather necro in general) and mesmer are the two remaining blindspots in my intermediate pvp knowledge. Just to learn their attack patterns, combos, visual tells, etc. But I more or less hit a brick wall. Even though I've learned:

  • that the yellow bubble with yellow orb-like stuff floating around the scourge is when their elite is active
  • desert shroud has a black/yellow smokey effect
  • and torch 5 puts a green puddle underneath you before the knockdown triggers

So based on these I tried to figure out what and when to interrupt, when to kite or dodge, etc. On other classes I achieved this by playing at least a 100 games on then to learn the basics (except necro and mesmer).

And now the problems:

Scourge does not seem to have particular combos like a power DH or a pew-pew ranger. They just constantly seem to poop stuff all over the place. So you dont have a visual tell like for rev and their glint elite. If you see the dragon (and its not the lvl80 finisher) you know you need to dodge/interrupt/etc. But scourge seems to spam stuff in no particular order, and its really hard for me to know when to counter what move. And I cant really tell when do I get the most out of my spellbreaker's resistance or my thief's steal, etc.

And also their defensive abilities... they dont have blocks or invulns so theres nothing that indicates if a moment is ok or not for going in and landing a burst on them. But for example when fighting a warrior its obvious that you dont want to land your burst into an endure pain, or shield block.

So anyone who got further ahead on this road would be very welcome to enlighten me.

p.s.: Keep in mind that this is coming from some1 who only had like 15 games on scourge so far.

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@Meteor.3720 said:Scourge, by its very mechanics, encourages spam. Sounds like you're doing fine.

Yep, thats what I was trying to say. Other than the above mentioned few key skills all I can see are red circles and pulsing red circles all the time. So how do you decide when to engage or burst when there is no gap? :)

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@Malafaia.8903 said:Problem is all F skills seems to have the same animation (i can be wrong here).You never know if THE bomb is coming, or if it's just a nuclear one.

lol exactly... so how do you learn to fight against them when all they do is being a big cloud of birdflu? even back when power rev was god-like at least i knew what to look for when fighting them...

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@Nimrud.5642 said:

@Meteor.3720 said:Scourge, by its very mechanics, encourages spam. Sounds like you're doing fine.

Yep, thats what I was trying to say. Other than the above mentioned few key skills all I can see are red circles and pulsing red circles all the time. So how do you decide when to engage or burst when there is no gap? :)

That's exactly the point of why scourge is so broken.

0 animations on shade skills which means they can bait dodges and you don't know what to dodge. Can cast all f2-5 skills at the same time and when cc'ed. Shade skills at the same time as weapon skills.There generally are no clear gaps.

Just hope you kill them before they kill you.

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