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Looking for others to que with


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Hi everyone, I got the game not too long ago and would like to meet others who like to que and play for fun. I am not the best and I am still learning, so don't except amazing things from me, but you can give me tips and i'd appreciate it. I'll always try to improve and get better

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When someone musters the bravery, to tentatively reach out and try something new, and maybe become the next welcome sight in a team, the best thing to do is of course punish said someone with scathing comments about state of the game, state of class balance, state of PvP community... we still hope one day we'll move past that.

Well good luck with discovering PvP centric, like-minded individuals! I've come across a lot of guilds that offer to always have someone to queue with, but I believe the best friendships are produced in a trial by fire. Make friends with people you have good fights with, they can be your duel partners.

Unranked can be fun but I think the best way to get perspective is to play properly in Ranked first. Play the most popular builds, understand how it works and why it is so popular, watch some streams and memorize skills to get a feel for the appropriate actions in each situation for the class you are most interested in right now. Forums can be of help and I've benefitted greatly from asking questions (not all of them, but sometimes someone great at the game will offer tremendous insight giving you a jumpstart).

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