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@"eyesrutherford.1357" said:How does D/D tempest ele fair now and days compared to this new S/D Weaver ele in pvp.Also how does it fair in wvw?

The d/d weapon set isn't exactly the best weapon for the Tempest or any other elementalist specialization. Unless you're just playing combat elementalist in unranked, it just isn't a good weapon set. It's a set similar to the d/d thief; focuses only on damage and no utility. If you're thinking about playing tempest, use the d/f weapon set. There are many reasons why focus is better than dagger off hand:

• Freezing Gust is good for kiting enemies.• Comet is amazing for interrupting multiple foes especially when they're trying to rally their ally.• Swirling Winds is great against ranged professions like ranger, Dragonhunter and Deadeye.• Gale is great for knocking down foes while also being unblockable.• Magnetic Wave is not only great for cleansing conditions, but it also reflects projectiles which is amazing against rangers and p/p thieves.• Obsidian Flesh is by far the best skill and it's the main reason why focus is better than dagger off hand. Not only does it give you 3 seconds of invulnerability, but it gives you CC immunity.

The Tempest gets underestimated quite a lot especially in WvW because Firebrand exists, but it's far from being not viable. Until we get a new balance patch that buffs certain support professions, keep playing Tempest in PvP.

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The problem is, you usually get interrupted way too easy all the time. Random FC, Holo wave, mirage interrupts everywhere, necro fear - even without thieves, who at least had to focus us and interrupt key skills, you barely (should) get heals and overloads going.

But the healing itself is still rather good. And you can cleanse quite a lot, auras have not much of an impact anymore, but it is still playable. Especially when looking at eles alternatives. ;) We will have our time, I'm sure...

@Hoodie.1045 is right though, use focus.Or are you asking for some weird non-support build, because the traditional tempest has different tasks than S/D...?

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D/D tempest is freakin awsome in the current META depending on your build and playstyle...

I don't know if it's because of the recent sustain nerfs or not, but quite a few HoT builds have become viable again lately.

We fit really well with the current FB/Scourge meta, we offer that slight bit of utility support via auras and such while also maintaining a sustained damage output. (if you are free to run Aura share traits that is, I don't bother if they exceed 2 condi classes on enemy team)

You will completely shut out all ranged classes in any game if you time your reflects wellThat means range doesn't counter your Necro anymore including Longbow rangers and Pewpew Thieves, which leaves them with 3 options: watch thier team die, move elsewhere and let thier team die, or switch to melee mode and have to deal with a bunch of static Auras (stuns and boon steals).

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