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Eternal Coliseum is too buggy to stay in ranked


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This map has too many terrain issues to remain in ranked.

I've gotten stuck inside the central pillars before due to a knockback from an engineer/ranger, and i've had teammates also get stuck due to a knockback in that map.

Basically removes them from the fight for the duration of the match, only way for them to get back is to somehow get killed by the enemy (which most of the time wont work because they cant hit them either).

Please remove this map from ranked until it gets fixed.

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The map favors ranged builds/classes but thats a map design problem, the problem I am talking about is an actual bug.

Getting stuck in the terrain with no way out makes it basically an auto loss for your team and that should not happen in ranked.

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I had a Holosmith in one ranked PvP match in Eternal Coliseum bug into the walls and was stuck there until everyone, including the enemy team told him to log out and log back it. It fixed the issue, but it sucks that it had to happen, costing your teams' time and ending up losing not due to bad players, but due to bugs. Also, how come Eternal Coliseum gets to be in the map rotation, yet Spirit Watch does not?

Seriously, why isn't Spirit Watch in the map rotation? It is much more balanced in terms of professions that can teleport on terrain like thief, elementalist and mesmer to escape and it gives you enough terrain and cover for melee professions to fight against ranged professions like the ranger. In Eternal Coliseum, if you're a thief going mid and there's a ranger, you can't do anything. There is no cover to use unlike in Spirit Watch where you can use the rocks near the capture points to avoid being sniped to death.

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