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Some Changes and ideas for Rev


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Just some changes and ideas I had. no need to reply if you dont want. But would like your opinion on.

The primary thing I want changed is the over all class mechanic, but if that doesnt happen then the other ideas here would be great on their own.

Class Mechanic Changes:Revenants have access to 4 Legends at once and can stitch freely between them in combat. The Heal skill for all legends share a same cooldown, but with different recharge rates. what this mean is, Using Enchanted Daggers for example will trigger the cooldown for all Legend Heals, but this heal may have a 10 second cooldown, where as the Dwarf heal may have 30. Using the Enchanted Dagger will trigger the 10 second cooldown and if you switch to Dwarf, you can use the heal after 10 second recharge is done. Heals stay unique still and have to choose which is best for the time its needed.Switching Legends now cost a little energy instead of resetting energy to 50. Energy regens as it currently does but slightly lower. Weapon Skills now are the primary generation of Energy.
Each Race gets a Racial Legend. This is just the same thing as normal racial skills just in legend context.A new Skill Type is added, independent of Legends. These are called "Mist Weapons".You can slot Mist Weapons to replace a legend skill on your utility bar. Mist Weapons function like Elementalist Conjures in the sense that they can replace your Weapon skills for a short time period.Also now each Legend has its own unique passive effect for the Auto attack of skill 1 of Weapon skills

But this may be a bit too much unless the class is ready for a total revamp.

My other ideas for changes to the current class:

Dwarf: Forced Engagement is turned into a chain skill. First skill does what it currently does, but also sends over conditions to whoever is tethered to the chain. Damage increased and deal on a per second bases. Increase duration to 3 seconds.Second part of the chain can be a pull effect that ends the Forced Engagement but pulls the target to you and immobilizes the enemy.
Inspiring Reinforcement should have a quicker spawn, and this ability needs more elements of defense. I say Swiftness or quickness should be baseline with this skill. It should Cripple and Chill Enemies it hit.Vengeful Hammers should get a passive Retaliation to the Revenant during the upkeep when hit by a ranged attack.Rite of the Great Dwarf- need a change. Keep the Break Stun and Damage reduction, but add a self effect separate from the group support aspect. Need to become immune to Conditions like Elementalist for short period of time while granting some kind of regen that consumes the conditions on you when used to heal more over time.

Retribution: Close Quarters gain Retaliation when hit from ranged.Dwarven Battle Training- when weakness is applied to you, it damage nearby enemies with a rocky explosion.

Centaur: Ventari Will has its cost increased, but now heals more. Recharge changed to 2.Protective Solace should pulse Healing or Protection as well and perhaps change to a Water Field.Natural Harmony- Bring back the Charge Skill concept from alpha. Let the Revenant hold this skill down to generate a stronger delayed heal.Purifying Essence's healing aspect would be better as a stronger heal, but also as a heal over time effect of its own (not regeneration) to balance this buff. The Number of Conditions on the players increase the heal over time effect.Energy Expulsion - add confusion to this. Fragments cause bleeding to enemies that touch.

Staff:Warding Rift and Surge of the Mist, are joined together as a chain skill. First skill is Warding RIft for defensive Block, and second chain is the Surge of the Mist for CC and Evade with heavy damage. This Free up Staff 3 for a new skill.Punishing Sweep and Debilitating Slam are swapped and Punishing Sweep now heals the Revenant on damage.Renewing Wave is changed into a charging skill that channels a pulse that blast every 2 seconds channeled, healing nearby allies every 2 seconds channeled and removing 1 condition per pulse.

Axe:Frigid Blitz is changed into a chain skill. First skill brings forth a unstabilizing mist storm at the target location that removes stability and damages foes at that location.The Second part of the chain works like it currently does with the teleport and all. This change makes Axe off hand more Mid Range friendly in the case that a main hand ranged weapon like Scepter or Pistol was ever added, Axe would still be both Melee and Mid Ranged friendly.

Thats all I want to post for now. Its getting late.

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I actually had the thought of how Legendaries work.

Right now picking one gives the player a static tool set. This isn't in-line with the other professions which get to choose which tools they use over a large collection.

What if in choosing the 2 Legends you run with, you get to pick from the tools each offer to place on your bar.

For Example, if running Dwarf/Demon, you could choose either Soothing Stone or Empowering Misery. So forth down the bar through Elite skill.

Also, If in Demon, Soothing Stone wouldn't be as powerful as it is in Dwarf, but still able to be used.

I'd also making Legends use a passive like Guardian Virtues. Dwarf might be Stability. Demon could be Condition, Assassin could be Power and so forth.

This would give a reason to swap Legends instead of using a single tool on skill bar then swapping back

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