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Returning Player LFGuild on Fort Aspenwood [PvE/Casual/Semi-Hardcore]

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(God I wish I can change my display name)

Hello! I am a Returning/New Player who has just hit Level 80 on my Thief (now a Deadeye) and I'm looking for a new place place to call home! I'm not new to MMOs by any means, having played Old School RuneScape, World of Warcraft, Elder Scrolls Online, Final Fantasy 14, Wildstar, Lineage 2, and a whole slew of other games in the genre. In MMOs, I have a strong focus on PvE activities such as Dungeons, Raids, etc. I titled this "Casual/Semi-Hardcore" because I learn slowly. Encounters, mechanics, etc., before diving right in. I'm a loud, hyperactive person who likes to tell lame jokes. I want to have a good time with other people, that's all really. If you've got room for me let me know! The best way to contact me is through Discord (Discord Contact: OnlyBrandon#2450). You could also message me in-game but I might have stepped out! Thank you!

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hey there. welcome back to the game!we want to have good times with everyone and hang out like good friends as long as you open your heart to us, we're opening ours.we have players that play other MMOs and other games too, in which we group up at times and just smash things together.the whole MMO is to play with friends. that's what we're here for.all of us aren't hard core no more and take the game casually but don't want to just be dead weight to somebody hence semi-hardcore when grouping up.Fort Aspenwood is a WvW server. pretty soon all mega servers will cease to exist and leave room for GvG. so hopefully we all don't get to separate anymore.here's to more info about us: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41284/na-pvx-intense-pleasure-mmm-chill-guild-lfm-filthy-casuals-and-new-faces-officers-wanted#latest

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