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I don't do any damage

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I'm playing some unranked pvp to try and learn the game I haven't played in 5 years but I do practically no damage and I don't know if it's because of build, playing or inexperience. I am playing an elementalist. I really enjoy the pvp but don't know what I'm doing or how to learn lol.

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@Kari.2813 said:I'm playing some unranked pvp to try and learn the game I haven't played in 5 years but I do practically no damage and I don't know if it's because of build, playing or inexperience. I am playing an elementalist. I really enjoy the pvp but don't know what I'm doing or how to learn lol.

Elementarists arent in a good spot rn. If you want to do some damage, you will need to play an extremely glass build(people call it Fresh Air Ele) and will take some time to master it since is kinda hard to survive with it. If you have access to the last expansion, i recomend you to watch Celliofrag videos on YT and play that bunker Weaver build

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@Kari.2813 said:

@"FyzE.3472" said:Posting or at least describing the build would help people help you ;-)

@"Poelala.2830" said:Well, ele sucks for pvp. So I’d start by choosing a real class.

thats not helpful but thanks...

Please post whole build including runes, ammy, weapons and sigils used.Easier to create on build editor and post link http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/

Not an ele expert myself but the class isn't as prevalent(in ranked/unranked) as others since it's not in the best spot right now. Weaver is probably most common in PvP, followed by Tempest; personally don't see many core eles about.

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@"Kari.2813" said:I'm playing some unranked pvp to try and learn the game I haven't played in 5 years but I do practically no damage and I don't know if it's because of build, playing or inexperience. I am playing an elementalist. I really enjoy the pvp but don't know what I'm doing or how to learn lol.

Lots has changed

-> https://metabattle.com/wiki/Conquest

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