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Pvp is at its best.


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Poeple are screaming pvp is shit, pvp needs more! But I have been playing pvp from the get go and it's got soo much more than before. I don't get why people act like looseing esl is death of pvp, I guess everyone has forgot it come long after game release and left quickly so all we lost is the players who made pvp their job. (not a loss)When I first started pvp it was ranked and unranked that's it, yes there where better maps and I love the ranked in the first year with the win a game move up a level loose and start again (perimid). But now we have beeter rewards we have seasons and titles and we have AT! Poeple need to stop complaining and start enjoying what we got. Yes I hope they add more maps and more rewards and titles, and more than AT for reasons to be in a pvp guild but that may come.

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6/10, sarcasm detected.

Really though, the state of PvP isn't the worst it's ever been, I agree, but it is long neglected and there have been some questionable decisions made.

My case in point is the population of PvP. In 10 unranked games last night, I encountered three or more of the same people on each team several games in a row, one or two were in all of my games.

If it was in a great state, the population would be booming.

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Can we talk about the good old days? Memory is a fun thing where the bad stuff gets filtered out.

There was only 1 queue back in 2012, and it was the time of PvP guilds on Teamspeak with the desire to become pro at a potentially ESL worthy game. 5-mans roamed in packs. I didn't make the cut for first team so I queued solo, the start of the yolo queue adventures (our leader vanished at some point). Well, my friend did queue too but we sort like to do our own thing.

Yolo queue was brutal. It was a savage age of anarchy and dye-selling. (From launch and up through the start of the Q2 2013 leaderboards)

The system we have now is a lot better, and could be better, but to find new solutions and encourage ANet to find new solutions a larger PvP population is needed.

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@"Gamble.4580" said:Poeple are screaming pvp is kitten, pvp needs more! But I have been playing pvp from the get go and it's got soo much more than before. I don't get why people act like looseing esl is death of pvp, I guess everyone has forgot it come long after game release and left quickly so all we lost is the players who made pvp their job. (not a loss)When I first started pvp it was ranked and unranked that's it, yes there where better maps and I love the ranked in the first year with the win a game move up a level loose and start again (perimid). But now we have beeter rewards we have seasons and titles and we have AT! Poeple need to stop complaining and start enjoying what we got. Yes I hope they add more maps and more rewards and titles, and more than AT for reasons to be in a pvp guild but that may come.


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