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  1. I've been in top 100 for the pass couple of seasons so i want to challenge myself and rank up to top 25 but their is no chance what so ever . Every time i see the god of the arena title on any team the opposing team get DC player Its frustrating . their is no PvP at all . just win traders Every time this happen i log out and try to log in another time just to see these shenanigan's one more time So please make it that every time a player DC neither team get points or end the game and start another queue Or make a better scoring system to the better players and punish afk player of traders For ex. a scoring system i saw in another game was " Winning team : get a fixed score depend on their performance in the match : no.1 player get 30% of the score no.2 player get 25% of the score no.3 player get 20% of the score no.4 player get 15% of the score no.5 player get 10% of the score And same goes to the losing team get a losing score but opposite : no.1 player get 10% of the score no.2 player get 15% of the score no.3 player get 20% of the score no.4 player get 25% of the score no.5 player get 30% of the score the players ranking in each team depend on each player damage ,kills, no. of death, heal team member ,revive , and many other things
  2. Spear don't have a role or identity poor usage in PvP because of the range (130) i though arena net devs like the multiplier of 60 why 130 and in PvE cant beat the sword or the great sword in damage
  3. I don't care about builds that do 1 hit kill or builds that can heal a lot or builds that CC you till death because you can counter them but the builds that do block and evade and invulnerable for 10 to 15 sec while fighting 5v1 and dishing a good damage in 1v1 that's unfair . because they are near uncounterable especially when you don't have unblockable attacks . You need to address these build please . some Vindicator build can do that and some DH build can do that too however DH is easier to kill but Vindicator need 2v1 for a sold Minute to kill
  4. Staff warrior need one thing and one thing only . a BUFF
  5. Everyone bought the game with their money so. Everyone play what ever they want.
  6. Every time I play a match with top 100 player or player with high titles . One player in our team or opponent team just AFK or DC ? Is it a skill issue or net issue ? can someone explain this phenomena to me please .
  7. DH is very annoying to fight against with all his defensive skills , CC and occasional spike damage . I don't know the correct way to nerf them thou .
  8. What proficient / elite that you think is overperforming in PvP BTW overperforming mean excellent damage and cc with good survivability or mobility . choose any and write why
  9. i dont see this espec being great in open world i think the casual necros will hate it and they will be dying left and right when the new expansion will drop . i think this espec will be the most hated elite specailiztion ever due to it being lacking thematically and will be squish as hell and the casual player will get oneshoted alot . this espec is targeted for raid only as a hight dps glass canon (dps may be over 40K) people ask why elixir has blight on them i think because the devs want the player to have access to blight outside of shroud to maintain hight blight stack for dmg modifier . another use will be a quickness share calss for fractals . i dont think it will see play in pvp or wvw . a change to blight from 2% to 1% hp reducion and a buff to elixir will solve alot of problems
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