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Opinion about the state of PvP right now


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So before you start reading: This is just an opinion of mine and before you think I would be rabbling about how devs hate PvP right now I won't. If you want to hate please go cry to a different post. If you can disagree with my points please do it in a mature way. Thank you in advance.

I have started playing 1 - 2 months before HoT released and got into PvP after HoT.People started complaining about bunkers back then so ANet started removing amulets and weakening skills but that made the rise of the Power DPSers which had to be nerfed again which again increased the amount of bunkering along with condition so they nerfed the passives skills which increased the strenght of condition damage users.

If I look through the forum these changes were made because they were listening to the community mostly. Right now I think they are trying to look into this deeper and concentrating less on the community feedback because listening to them just overpower another class while making a different class useless.

It is enough to look into the forum topics and see that people instead of playing a character themselves and figuring out why they are strong they complain about it non-stop not giving a real feedback of why it is a problem.

So the balancing devs might be working on looking the problems themselves. I am pretty much afraid to post this because mostly if you disagree with the PvPers they will attack you and call you a PvE noob cuz they know better (happened few times in-game and on the forum).

Until the balance does not come out we as the community should look around to know what can be done to get other players interested in PvP. I have already started doing that within my guild by hosting PvP tournaments and doing training matches in our Custom Arena which in the end peaked one of our members interest so much that she got into Gold 2 while she was in Silver 3 in the last season.

TL;DR: I don't think PvP is being neglected the devs are just making slow steps and might be not communicating to us because they don't want to be flooded with complaints which the posting person think it is a feedback. I have played many games and did not encounter any other online game where the devs would look into the feedbacks given by the community as much as ANet does.

And now you can hate me for being optimistic and not hating on ANet pointlessly for trying to do their best and not telling about it to us.

PS.: I am not any main or prefer any of the game mode more than the other.

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Basically amulets are responsible for the abysmal state of pvp.

Bunker stat amulets were removed -> power spike meta ensued -> was nerfed -> more defenses blocks/invulns/evades added to previously glassy classes -> these classes can now run dps amulets since they have overblown defenses.

Which has now evolved to what were previously bunked classes due to the amulet stats are now bunkers due to the ungodly amount of sustain options built into the class. leaving us with mirage levels of sustain that can do damage.

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so you're suggesting that the last big underwater balance patch and the random mesmer & deadeye rework are actually made with PvP in mind instead of PvE (eg. balancing for PvE raids/fractals, reworking spec so they actually utilize class mechanics such as shatter & stealth instead of afking in PvE)?

Also, what does nerfing passive have to do with certain few condi builds being strong when basically all of the passives are anti cc or anti power burst (activate under 50% hp, auto weakness/protection) instead of cleanses?

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@LazySummer.2568 said:so you're suggesting that the last big underwater balance patch and the random mesmer & deadeye rework are actually made with PvP in mind instead of PvE (eg. balancing for PvE raids/fractals, reworking spec so they actually utilize class mechanics such as shatter & stealth instead of afking in PvE)?

Also, what does nerfing passive have to do with certain few condi builds being strong when basically all of the passives are anti cc or anti power burst (activate under 50% hp, auto weakness/protection) instead of cleanses?

Which part of my post made you think that the big underwater balance patch and the random mesmer & deadeye rework are actually made with PvP in mind? I did not mention those.

The passive nerfs have increased condition damage user's power because those were strng before that and the passives although activated mostly after reaching 50% or passively healing you etc. gave you enough time most of the times for your cleanse cooldowns do end and cleanse off most of the stuff. That was my main experience with Elixir S and the passive Resistance given on Warrior and so on. But again this my personal experience.

@Egorum.9506 said:You have a good point, but after being let down by shortsightedness again and again the community doesn't have any faith left in the balance process

Yes they were shortsighted because the confusing feedbacks they have received in my opinion. It is really difficult sometimes to find out what needs to be done with skills and traits for some classes just from reading the complaints done by the people who rage out because they do not understand the class. This is my point about thie situation. The devs have it hard because the feedback they get on this forum is sometimes innacurate or isn't really a feedback.

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@Gwaihir.1745 said:Basically amulets are responsible for the abysmal state of pvp.

Bunker stat amulets were removed -> power spike meta ensued -> was nerfed -> more defenses blocks/invulns/evades added to previously glassy classes -> these classes can now run dps amulets since they have overblown defenses.

Which has now evolved to what were previously bunked classes due to the amulet stats are now bunkers due to the ungodly amount of sustain options built into the class. leaving us with mirage levels of sustain that can do damage.

Agreed that amulets are part of the problem but removing an amulet because it is strong on one class it could cripple another one. We might need defensive / offensive / supportive amulets maybe? I mean if you use defensive amulet you would not have any offensive stats too high to make your damage really high and so on.

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@Solidaris.5423 said:If I look through the forum these changes were made because they were listening to the community mostly. Right now I think they are trying to look into this deeper and concentrating less on the community feedback because listening to them just overpower another class while making a different class useless.

It is enough to look into the forum topics and see that people instead of playing a character themselves and figuring out why they are strong they complain about it non-stop not giving a real feedback of why it is a problem.

So the balancing devs might be working on looking the problems themselves.

*Insert thank you GIF

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