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The Gandaran and Tyrian Service Medal locked issue Aswell as "Be my guest" Heavily bugged.

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The Gandaran and Tyrian Service Medal achievements are still locked after completing "Be my guest" Story instance. Achievement was received saying "Be my guest" has been completed and that the item is automatically consumed to unlock the achievements but nothing yet. its been around roughly 15 hours and no fixes. Also "Be my guest" instance is still heavily bugged.Sometimes there are checkpoints that help but sometimes there aren't, especially after dying and respawning and such. And there was 2 instances where the achievement doesnt dissapear clearly meaning the lasers were not touched yet achievement not rewarded. Please fix

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@"RoseofGilead.8907" said:You unlock the Gandaran and Tyrian Service Medal achievements by talking to your Herald in the main camp of Kourna (you got a mail from her after finishing the story that leads you to Kourna). The item you get in "Be My Guest" is just part of the Gandaran Service Medal collection.

As RoseofGilead said. If it helps to have her name, you need to Speak with Lady Camilla north of the wp and beside the poI in the main town. Make sure to go through both convo options as they are both unlocks. One is recipe one is collection.

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