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How does Ranked matchmaking work with duo queues?


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So the last time I played Ranked PvP for rating, I managed to finish in Plat 2. Lately though, I play to farm ascended shards of glory and just for the enjoyment.

So now I don't mind queuing with my friends in Ranked when they want to do some PvP, even if they have a much lower rating. However, I guess I'm a bit mixed up on how the mm handles placing us as a duo team.

I assumed that if I am Gold 3 and my partner is Bronze 3, it would treat us bot as Gold 3 and match us accordingly. However, I am guessing this is not the case, because when we win a match I gain like +7 or so and then when I lose it is -30.

Now for me this is actually helpful, since my rating could plummet, and then I'll have easy matches when I play solo again and get easy pips. For players that still care about rating though, this seems like it would be really discouraging for people that want to play with their friends if their ratings aren't similar.

So does anyone know how the mm matches duo queues and why the system is like this? Also, is there a decent reason for the system being like this or is there a better way?

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@Shaogin.2679 said:So the last time I played Ranked PvP for rating, I managed to finish in Plat 2. Lately though, I play to farm ascended shards of glory and just for the enjoyment.

So now I don't mind queuing with my friends in Ranked when they want to do some PvP, even if they have a much lower rating. However, I guess I'm a bit mixed up on how the mm handles placing us as a duo team.

I assumed that if I am Gold 3 and my partner is Bronze 3, it would treat us bot as Gold 3 and match us accordingly. However, I am guessing this is not the case, because when we win a match I gain like +7 or so and then when I lose it is -30.

Now for me this is actually helpful, since my rating could plummet, and then I'll have easy matches when I play solo again and get easy pips. For players that still care about rating though, this seems like it would be really discouraging for people that want to play with their friends if their ratings aren't similar.

So does anyone know how the mm matches duo queues and why the system is like this? Also, is there a decent reason for the system being like this or is there a better way?

Last time they said something about, they said that a duo is managed as the average of the two members... allowing another time the fuking snurfing theme.... but only to be sufered for the poor mortals(me included) that dont have 1600 rank

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