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New expansion, another player likely to return. Could use some advice though.


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Hey look, another one of these :D I haven't been on this forum in a long time but I can imagine the swarm of returning player threads. I will try to be as specific as possible to make it easier. Since I've been away so long I'm not sure about much of anything right now. I've done some research but most of the builds are meta-raiding builds and the like, didn't find much to suit my needs, so...here goes?

For the record, because I know it will get mentioned, I have nothing against grouping. However, I am looking for the most self sufficient character I can get my hands on. Aside from the fact that I love to solo, I vastly like to play at my own pace so I don't feel rushed for reading stories, exploring, etc. Obviously if I plan to group for something I tend to do my research first (like FF14, I watched all the cut scenes on youtube to spare my party 5-15 minutes of waiting around (or more likely leaving me behind)). Anyway, from what I've been reading, the two big classes are more or less the same as before: Bearbow and minion necro. To some extent also thief if you love the playstyle and maybe crono?

I'm personally leaning towards the bearbow or minion necro, I've always loved pets, but I'm torn between them. Which would you consider better for soloing purposes? I know any class can solo more or less anything but that doesn't mean some classes aren't better at it. Not to mention, and this is pure laziness on my part, admitting that right up front...the fewer buttons I have to press the better. I know minion necro basically only uses weapon skills since their right bar was all pets, and there was a bearbow build that only used sigils (is that what they were called? I forget) which you almost never had to click since they were all passive buffs. If that's still the case, picking between them is even harder.

Almost as important (for me anyway) is crafting. What is the best way to go in this game? I seem to remember some of them being terrible back last time I played, maybe it was the jewelry one? I feel like you generally took crafting for whatever your main weapon was going to be, and then your armor type? Am I remembering that right? Bearbow is easy, whatever makes longbow and leather armor. What would necro be? Cloth armor, sure, but what weapon? I've always been absolutely terrible at picking weapons. I know a lot of people liked staves last time I played but having nothing but ground place aoe's got really old really fast, at least for me.

Thank you in advance for any advice you can give. It's been so long since I've played, I'll be installing the game overnight so hopefully I wake up with some replies :) Feel free to tell me anything/everything, I'm practically a new player again with how long it's been. Will likely even be rolling a new level 1 character to relearn the game.

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about crafting, just learn all crafting disciplines, you need 4 toons, even if you don't play alts, they can just sit in Lion's Arch next to the crafting stations. Tailor you need for Light armor and Leather Worker for medium armor, for weapons it depends on what weapon, best to check wiki what to prioritize.

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I have played minion master necro, and it is very good in PvE. Since you mentioned Chrono I assume you have HoT and that brings better options to minion master necro in the form of Reaper elite. You will want Shout skill "Rise" and fill other slots with other minions. This also allows you to use very strong Greatsword weapon. Axe is nice for second weapon.

For Ranger, Druid is just very good elite, even when doing solo PvE stuff. It also allows you to continue playing same build even when you get into group.

Based on Reaper you want to craft Cloth armor and Weaponsmith for Greatsword + Axe. But notice that leveling up crafting is only required for Ascended armor and weapons, you can do most of PvE in Exotic quality and these can be easily bought from trading post.

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