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Major PvP rework required?


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So I'm just curious how others feel currently. For me I play unranked as of season 6/7 due to wintrading and it not being worth time to fight to the top.I Feel pvp conquest has always been the wrong choice for good legit pvp. (roll thief bow 5 around win games). GW1 had things right with pvp, gvg, and HoH.Currently all i hear in the lobby chat is that ranked is still just a PvE farm with wintraders, bots, some hackers, and alot of PvE reward farmers / afks.Being a Vet player here from og GW1 Prophecies i want to see if its just me or pvp needs major fixing. Just bored before work really.

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Why do the polls here always have so many options + meme options. Just put a simple yes or no and let people explain if they have anything further to say. You're only diluting your results and Anet isn't going to take these types of polls seriously.

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