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Have a Question about the ''Power Berserker''

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Hey Guys i am playing a ''Power Berserk'' (GS, Longbow) since 1 Month since i started playing GW2. And now i have the most Parts from the Asc. Gear. I Never Head Problems in Open World Pve but now i started to farm Fractals i reached now T2 and i am Close to T3 with unlocking have already the AR but idk i feel like Hanging in the Wind like a Wet piece of Paper when it comes to the Dps against Boss cause when i play with some Lower Dudes its Taking days to Kill 1 Boss and when i play with Higher PPl its like Melting them but idk it seems like i dont play a Role when it comes to Dps am i doing something wrong ? Here is my Current Build. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQJARTnMdA9dg1dAehAEliliA7d4mcfuIrg9WzzYA8ACAA-jxRBQBmRJ4CeAAUS9H8orBAXBgrs/o8biHCAA-e or is it just that you cant play Power Berserker nowadays. I appreciate every thougts have a good one.

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Fractals are a little more specialized the higher tier you advance. It isn't that you "can't" play power berserker, but you are probably feeling behind because others are using builds that are specialized for higher tier fractals. Take a look at this page and you can find builds that are designed for fractals ---> https://metabattle.com/wiki/WarriorWhile the build you are using might shine in other content, it might underperform during fractals. So don't feel bad and take a look at some of those builds to get an idea of their optimization, then you can decide if you want to update your character.

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Kodiak gave the best advice you'll get by providing the link to metabattle, so definitely start there and see what ideas from there you'd like to put in your build. They were also right in saying you can play power beserker if you want to (even if the meta builds for beserker will be almost, if not entirely, condition based). I'll add a couple starting suggestions that might help you boost your DPS:

1) the defense trait line isn't helping you do damage. If you can survive without it, maybe try discipline2) the longbow is mainly a condition weapon, but your stats are set for power. If you can go without a ranged option, try something like axe/axe. You can hit real hard and keep up pretty constant pressure by swapping frequently between your axes and greatsword (discipline will also allow you to weapon swap more frequently and give you boons on weapon swap, so there's some synergy there that should help you do more damage). If you really need the ranged option, maybe try rifle and see how it feels for you.

Hope this stuff helps! good luck and have fun :)

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in group situation you build bring banners instead of signets"To the Limit" is much better heal skill in most situation as it fills up your adrenaline barStrength, Discipline or Tactics, I personally prefer mixture of Discipline and Tactics in group situation as it gives a lot of benefits to your teamAxe/Axe if going pure damage, Mace/Mace if need a few more CC

if you want a ranged weapon, rifle is your go to for non-condi, the damage is pretty much identical to lowbow

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