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The death of pvp in Guildwars?


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Complete split from PVE, Meaning trash everything starting from builds , traits & the rest.( WvW would be another issue so lets stick with pvp for now)

Steal good base idea's from other games to create new game mods & map's.Be willing to scratch & trash a game mods or anything that is not working or appealing to players & go with something else instead of just trying to fix it. (Strong hold is a great example) Despite a fragment fanbase.

See, simple direction, just add money.

Exactly !! COMPLETE SPLIT from other game modes. Total re-work of the whole system. PvP should be drastically distinct, team based/guild based, and for competition.

It can be all that, & even more with if it's build right. & can have all you have mentioned & customs event's as well & so on & so on.But the whole foundation must be rebuild with something new & innovative & especially meant not to be broken each time something is added into the game.That's why you need University math professor's to work on it. Make sure everything balances in the end.

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I still don't get why you need mathmaticians for this... do you know what math looks like at universities? What do you expect them to do to help at balancing issues? The only thing they could do is create a proper matchmaker - which exists already but is poorly implemented in GW2 (and a lot of people still don't know how it actually works).

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@Megametzler.5729 said:I still don't get why you need mathmaticians for this... do you know what math looks like at universities? What do you expect them to do to help at balancing issues? The only thing they could do is create a proper matchmaker - which exists already but is poorly implemented in GW2 (and a lot of people still don't know how it actually works).

They actually called Game Mathematician. there all sort of them in the game industry. You can google it & find out why they so important. But let me try in a few words to explain why they so important in Gw2.

Simply put, between stat's, build diversity from trait's you need Game Mathematician not only to come up with the right math for the game mechanics but proof it as well to keep everything balance. With out it, it's just a guy programming basic algebra with absolutely no proofing on balance or not. & that's why we got so many power creep's & very little build diversity. You don't have to look far to understand this.

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@Vieux P.1238 said:

@Megametzler.5729 said:I still don't get why you need mathmaticians for this... do you know what math looks like at universities? What do you expect them to do to help at balancing issues? The only thing they could do is create a proper matchmaker - which exists already but is poorly implemented in GW2 (and a lot of people still don't know how it actually works).

They actually called Game Mathematician. there all sort of them in the game industry. You can google it & find out why they so important. But let me try in a few words to explain why they so important in Gw2.

Simply put, between stat's, build diversity from trait's you need Game Mathematician not only to come up with the right math for the game mechanics but proof it as well to keep everything balance. With out it, it's just a guy programming basic algebra with absolutely no proofing on balance or not.
& that's why we got so many power creep's & very little build diversity. You don't have to look far to understand this.

Googled it and couldn't find a single entry on the first two pages.^^ I very much think a game like GW2 is way too complex to use mathmatical models, especially its powercreep. It is not only about damage, it is about utility, CC, radii and stuff. Simple common sense would solve this. :wink:

But I guess however they are called and whatever their background: More people working on balance for PVP are definitely needed. Even though some people in this thread overexagerate a bit. It is not actually that bad - and that is coming from an ele main.

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@Vieux P.1238 said:

Simply put, between stat's, build diversity from trait's you need Game Mathematician not only to come up with the right math for the game mechanics but proof it as well to keep everything balance. With out it, it's just a guy programming basic algebra with absolutely no proofing on balance or not. & that's why we got so many power creep's & very little build diversity. You don't have to look far to understand this.

To be fair, they should have a program or excel pointing out the posible damage outcome, burst in 1 sec, invuln/dodge per minute, etc.; checking it against some KPI like 80% of a low hp class for burst. That way they can get alarms and then check those particular situations.

It not only help balance but a healthy meta, since they can track outliners over the values they got from the gameplay they want the pvp scene to have and ponder if they are valid.

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@Lucius.2140 said:

@"Vieux P.1238" said:

Simply put, between stat's, build diversity from trait's you need Game Mathematician not only to come up with the right math for the game mechanics but proof it as well to keep everything balance. With out it, it's just a guy programming basic algebra with absolutely no proofing on balance or not.
& that's why we got so many power creep's & very little build diversity. You don't have to look far to understand this.

To be fair, they should have a program or excel pointing out the posible damage outcome, burst in 1 sec, invuln/dodge per minute, etc.; checking it against some KPI like 80% of a low hp class for burst. That way they can get alarms and then check those particular situations.

It not only help balance but a healthy meta, since they can track outliners over the values they got from the gameplay they want the pvp scene to have and ponder if they are valid.

Yeah, i agree, you would think. At worst, somekind of safeguard that don't let numbers reach a certain point. Would make sens. But you know...pvp "D

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