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So, it's no secret to pvp players that it's definitely the weakest of the three modes by far population wise, but it doesn't have to be. I know many friends and guildies who would LOVE to have solo queue automated tournaments every 6 hours. (between the current AT's).I know many semi-decent players who don't bother participating because the same groups win the AT's over and over, (as they should, they earned it), but the playerbase is too small for it to be healthy. I think adding a solo queue based tournament on a similar rotation, (you guys can debate if duo should be allowed) would help break up the monotonous feeling of pugging the current AT's and settling for 4th place.I believe to keep the leaderboard relevant, because the current rewards are horrible, they should seed your position in solo q at's to still encourage regular play, and give you an edge.TLDR: Add 6 hour rotating solo q AT's and a monthly between regular AT's.

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Arenanet tried to implement a system where you would queue up again with your team mates, and I feel like rolling with the same randoms after winning a few times in a tournament would be fun, if people were working together, or if common practice became to jump in discord.

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That's why you need swiss rounds tournaments. I did play tournaments for a while, and to be fair, it's always the same happening. If i join a pug plat team, we will beat 500-50 almost every single team below plat, and lose 500-50 to one of the 4 top teams registered. Pretty much why i stopped doing tournaments, because the skill gap is way too big, and hasn't changed for a year.

If you get 5 rounds tournaments, it's surely going to take time, but the silver team may have fights against silver teams, or " bad " gold teams, and try to get better. Ending up with 2 wins 3 loses is a better way of progression than getting facerolled on 1st round and getting kicked of the AT without understanding anything.

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I would queue up to AT's as a solo player but this every 6 hours thing needs to go... I literally can't join in due to my time constraints with work life and family life. There's no fluidity.

This is if Anet are adamant about keeping team queue out of ranked.... Otherwise it could stay every 6 hours for all I care lmao, just want to play with guildies in a semi competitive environment on a whims notice, any time of the day.

I don't like the feeling of the game telling me when or when I can't play while also putting restrictions in place to limit my fun, I'm the human here and the paying and playing customer, it should work the other way around... I should be entitled to play when I feel like playing and that's when I have the time to play.

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