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Mirage - Low Damage?


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@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:I believe that mirage is a PvP/WvW class...a dueler if you will. Annoying to fight (Couldn't tell ya how many times I can poof away from attacks and produce confusion like fecal matter.) Its def something that needs a fine tune, but its def not a bad class.

Mesmer was already a dueler class (and one of the best dueling classes) and Mirage is terrible in WvW.

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@Esplen.3940 said:

@Zenith.7301 said:Honestly, this BS of ambush resetting your axe autoattack chain needs to go.

I mean, that's how almost everything works in the game. Scepter is just weird as it holds the auto chain for a good while (and Scepter3 is capable of being cast even if the auto chain resets).

And it feels better as a a result, because unlike a bounding dodge thief we have 2 dodge bars (easier to overcap endurance) so not only are we juggling cooldown overlap and the awful useof jaunt in our rotation, but our dodge extra damage akin to bounding dodge takes significantly longer to deliver than a simple bounding dodge (and might I saw, does a metric ton less damage).

Ambushes here should be the exception to the rule.

Everywhere I see it this mirage bonus mechanic is just a flat out inferior version of daredevil's.

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@narcx.3570 said:Had a condi mirage of questionable skill do 19k vs Matthias today.

Yeah I mean we can complain about numbers all we want but Mirage gives reliable damage output. Idk. I've been running a few fractals and against normal mobs I'm trash tier dps but against any boss I'm constantly top 2 dps.For the average player/community going into the hard content, mirage can survive and deal damage to a good extent and that's what really matters. You can optimize your party and have those 40k+ but in the end a kill is a kill, and its great to drop a boss faster and more reliably, but as long as you can phase/kill them in time as a group, who cares if you're optimum or not.

Yes Mirage should get more damage since it has zero utility. But as a whole it does a good job of sending out damage and surviving.

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@CrownOfSorrow.6137 said:Yes Mirage should get more damage since it has zero utility. But as a whole it does a good job of sending out damage and surviving.

I don't disagree that Mirage could use some more damage, but don't forget that Mirage still has access to all of core Mesmer's utility. And core Mesmer has quite a bit of utility. Mirage didn't add any, but it didn't remove any, either.

Obviously Mirage has much less in the way of group support than Chronomancer, but that's Chronomancer's whole job and it trades a lot of DPS to do it right. Mirage could use a DPS buff (my personal wish list would be better ambushes for power weapons and maybe more damage on weapon skills and less reliance on phantasms), but it still has a meaningful amount of utility available.

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