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As someone who has played GW2 since release and has bought both expansion packages, I feel kinda cheated on what I purchased in PoF. Playing HoT was exciting throughout the whole Story-Line with the requirement to finish meta-events victoriously together with 50+ other Players, who had the same goal of achieving Criteria to gain Achievements based on how good they where able to coordinate their actions. HoT was fun even 6 months after the release. I lost interest in PoF after 2 days of playing it. I never was fond of the idea of having mounts, because why would you need them. The core game of GW2 has proven to not need Mounts to get around. You have waypoints for that. The Mounts weren't designed to help with Maps, but the Maps where designed to host Mounts. I feel like I bought 5 Mounts for 50 Euros. However I am more disappointed in how the Events turned out to be. Bounty-Hunting is great for only one thing. To do Achievements and that's it. Every Boss has already been slain by 111ing it to death. The Reward is some EXP to train my Mount. So I can get more EXP by getting to places which I couldn't get before. And to show of my Mounts Animations. The Loot is adjusted to the skill required to kill these Champions and Legendaries. Which is close to crap.Nonetheless I will keep playing until I have aquired all the Achievements. I guess this is the only reason to stay in the maps. I am really sadend by the fact that I paid money to get 1000 AP.

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@diggance.3956 said:As someone who has played GW2 since release and has bought both expansion packages, I feel kinda cheated on what I purchased in PoF. Playing HoT was exciting throughout the whole Story-Line with the requirement to finish meta-events victoriously together with 50+ other Players, who had the same goal of achieving Criteria to gain Achievements based on how good they where able to coordinate their actions. HoT was fun even 6 months after the release. I lost interest in PoF after 2 days of playing it. I never was fond of the idea of having mounts, because why would you need them. The core game of GW2 has proven to not need Mounts to get around. You have waypoints for that. The Mounts weren't designed to help with Maps, but the Maps where designed to host Mounts. I feel like I bought 5 Mounts for 50 Euros. However I am more disappointed in how the Events turned out to be. Bounty-Hunting is great for only one thing. To do Achievements and that's it. Every Boss has already been slain by 111ing it to death. The Reward is some EXP to train my Mount. So I can get more EXP by getting to places which I couldn't get before. And to show of my Mounts Animations. The Loot is adjusted to the skill required to kill these Champions and Legendaries. Which is close to crap.Nonetheless I will keep playing until I have aquired all the Achievements. I guess this is the only reason to stay in the maps. I am really sadend by the fact that I paid money to get 1000 AP.

PoF purchase got you:

  • Mounts (pretty epic purchase from the get go)
  • A phenomenal story if you pay attention and don't rush through it
  • 5 new replayable maps
  • New guild hall option
  • New achievements to earn
  • New recipes
  • 24, 28, & 32 slot bags.
  • Meta chains in all of the maps
  • New materials

To name a few, what's disappointing about that? Oh right you rushed through it trying to be the first one done with everything, relax, smell the flowers a bit. You don't get anything if you are done first.

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@diggance.3956 said:Every Boss has already been slain by 111ing it to death.

Ah the famous "111" problem. PoF is brand new. It's been out 4 days (less if you subtract down time). 10,000+ people are playing the content. Bosses are going to get zerged, it's simply reality. (also, please provide video evidence of you doing nothing but 111 though a boss fight such as the Legendary Choya. No utility use. No dodging. Just straight up 111).

Just because you burned through the content in 4 days, doesn't mean Arenanet did anything wrong, nor does it mean they need to change their entire business model to cater to you. They've already done that once with raids.

I can grind out the gold and materials for a Legendary Weapon in around 2 months (and I'm sure some people can do it faster). Should I post a thread complaining that it's too easy to craft a Legendary Weapon and completely ignore the threads here and on Reddit in which some people are ecstatic because after 5 years they've finally crafted one for themselves?

I've done world completion 13 times, and am working on finishing it for 3 other characters. The last character took me less than 48hours from level 1 to 80 to world completion with just two ToK. Should I complain that World Completion is too easy?

I've crafted/unlocked all three weight classes for Ascended Armor, along with a dozen weapons or so, should I complain that Ascended gear is too easy to craft?

"Hardcore" players are not the only demographic in this game, and they also aren't the largest. Maybe step back from the mirror and try to grasp the concept that not everyone has those 1337 skills that you do, and many never will. Instead of kittening all over them for it and throwing your superiority around, try and help someone achieve something that is hard for them, no matter how easy it is for you.

Part of being a leader is understanding that not everyone is a leader, and understanding, too, that just because they aren't, it doesn't make them any less valuable than you.

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HoT was dissapointing. PoF, I'm actually enjoying. The story, while still short, felt longer and didn't seem to make a sudden leap to the end out of nowhere, when it felt like there was a lot still being worked toward before the end. The maps feel larger, and look spectacular. HoT maps were annoying and despite being different, somehow managed to feel rather bland. The PoF maps, however, actually gave me pause in places to admire the creativity and design efforts put into them.

The mounts I expected to be boring, especially as a thief main who can zip across the map very fast already. However, the mounts are pretty fun. I like how they are unique from other games, and that they aren't just for a little speed boost or appearances, but that they actually have purposes - there are reasons why each creature was trained to be mounted, and they help you get to places otherwise unreachable. I found them better and more interesting and engaging than gliding. Plus, mounts were not needed in the core game because it's all built up - cities and inhabited areas. In the desert, the population is less and thus there are less outpots and towns, meaning fewer waypoints. That makes sense, and therefore, here, so do mounts.

In HoT I didn't train anything except the bare minimum, while in PoF I was actually going for the masteries and getting exp for the unlocks... Although, in HoT I was going for hero points asap for daredevil, while in PoF I'm pretty much ignoring them lol.

A was disappointed to see Trahearne and his mind-achingly flat vocals show up briefly in a memory... Not having him and his cheese around had a very positive affect on the story.

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