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So, how is warrior supposed to catch up with mezmer, thief, ranger, revenant, guardian, elementalis?


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I have been chasing, and chasing, and chasing in WvW roaming, and all of them are super fast! My warrior feels like a tortoise, what is going on?With the release of HoT, warrior was placed in a medium to low spot in mobility, but now with the expansion of PoF it feels that warrior is at the bottom of speed and mobility!

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@juno.1840 said:

@CrashTheGrey.1492 said:Um. No. Simply no.

lmao -- not killing anything, but funny as kitten.

Yeah, I'm running some derp in this video and not taking it seriously as you can tell. However, when I was try harding, even with defense instead of strength it seemed like it put out decent damage. It'll take some more time for people to be playing things at a level where realistic assessments can be made of certain Items, but I can say with full confidence that mobility is not an issue on this class.

To OP - Featherfoot Grace, Greatsword, and if you wanna really lock them in there run magebane tether. I find it weaker than the traited counter though. Basically your mobility is great with Spellbreaker. That being said, because of the amount of hard CC in Warriors options, things like thieves sometimes need to simply have more mobility and it comes down to roles and unique capacities of each class.

In other words, to illustrate the point, Why would I play a thief, when I could play a heavy armored thief with more sustain and long stuns? That should never be a question in any game with choices. Mobility is typically granted in larger amounts to low armor/healthpool classes for obvious reasons.

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@CrashTheGrey.1492 said:Um. No. Simply no.

How the hell does a necro keep up with you? it is atrocious what anet has done to warriors. When a warrior has to press 2,f1, switch GS, 3, 5, and a necro is still chasing after you, you know that warrior mobility is a joke!This video is proof that warrior mobility is lowest of all classes! Not only that, but you still took some serious damage while you were being chased. Now, if there was a thief on that group, then you will have been dead!

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@Hitman.5829 said:

@CrashTheGrey.1492 said:Um. No. Simply no.

How the hell does a necro keep up with you? it is atrocious what anet has done to warriors. When a warrior has to press 2,f1, switch GS, 3, 5, and a necro is still chasing after you, you know that warrior mobility is a joke!This video is proof that warrior mobility is lowest of all classes! Not only that, but you still took some serious damage while you were being chased. Now, if there was a thief on that group, then you will have been dead!

Correction: A small zerg, with permanent access to Swiftness given by eachother, was chasing. And no, I've 1v3ed thieves successfully and been chased by them in zergs and shrugged it off more laughably than actual threatening CC builds like Hammer Guardian. Serious damage? If you wanna call that "serious damage" for that many people attacking one target, I think you're making some serious exaggerations. I'm in Zerker gear with some marauder.

And I'm sorry, but did you miss the really obvious bit about an entire zerg that I purposefully ran BACK into STILL couldn't lock me down? Your necro argument is a laughable strawman. You might have also missed the obvious "fishing" I was doing as a few buddies came to meet me around stonemist.

But most importantly, go to about 2:25 in the video and observe the gap close on the Necro you're mentioning shortly after. I think you need to take an approach with less confirmation bias sir. Spellbreaker(and warrior) can go real fast, and has all the tools in the world to lock a runner down.

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Getting to be about that time where I smile and nod at people. OP, please refer to my statements I made that you must not have read.

"To OP - Featherfoot Grace, Greatsword, and if you wanna really lock them in there run magebane tether. I find it weaker than the traited counter though. Basically your mobility is great with Spellbreaker. That being said, because of the amount of hard CC in Warriors options, things like thieves sometimes need to simply have more mobility and it comes down to roles and unique capacities of each class.

In other words, to illustrate the point, Why would I play a thief, when I could play a heavy armored thief with more sustain and long stuns? That should never be a question in any game with choices. Mobility is typically granted in larger amounts to low armor/healthpool classes for obvious reasons."

And Lighter, on the topic of "flatground mobility being useless" and "warrior mobility has nothing to do with dealing damage reliably"....

I can't even be bothered to explain how wrong these statements are. Can you read that back to yourself again? Do you play warrior?

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Don't worry hitman post this every few months. War's can catch eles, we have hard time to catch warriors. We actually can't catch them unless they are still in aggro, aka reduced speed greatly. You can also catch a mesmer if you know where he or she is going. Most of the time is that she slightly change her position to throw you off. Just chuck axes at them it slows them down. Or if you play SB just Bull charge following a GS spazz with f1, shield bash and dagger spazz. You have to have your foe in combat than you can catch them. Does hitman have auto attack on so he kites into mobs? That could be the reason i can think of maybe he should auto toggle enable on a key?

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