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Continuing a new tread for the Jek talks LoL


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@StrawHat.2639 said:

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Me:I don't want to derail this discussion Jek so I won't be re-answering on this but we don't know yet tomorrow if it really can just be obtained in Eotm...if its a WvW mount then some stuff can be obtained in Eotm but not all, example stonemist castle cap achievement...anyways I know the influx of players will be like pips gone after 1 month if too hard to get but if we have less queues and I can get the core WvW vets in guild to help shield the new players, they will surely have a better time of it, tho if theres 100 man queues on each map, like first weeks of pips, pretty much impossible to do nothing.

Jek:I mean, I'm assuming it will just be a mastery since they are making a Double Wxp event to "help you saddle up quicker"... Also, gliding was just a mastery too. There was nothing that was added on WvW so far that required you to do specific tasks. I don't think they are going to do something that requires a collection of achievements.

Me:If its only mastery like gliding all us with 1000s of free pts get it presto...am much more hoping theres some work to be done to get it...progressive mount increase on maps...I can just picture the lag and server crashes if all WvW committed players have instant access to the mount LOL ;P

Prefer: Say 300 WvW rank to not discourage the new people plus capture 10-50 times all types of objectives, etc kinda like a new pvp achievement to unlock the mount chest for finishing the whole achievement...

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Idk why exactly you wanted to make a different thread for this but w/e.

@StrawHat.2639 said:Me:If its only mastery like gliding all us with 1000s of free pts get it presto...am much more hoping theres some work to be done to get it...progressive mount increase on maps...I can just picture the lag and server crashes if all WvW committed players have instant access to the mount LOL ;P

Prefer: Say 300 WvW rank to not discourage the new people plus capture 10-50 times all types of objectives, etc kinda like a new pvp achievement to unlock the mount chest for finishing the whole achievement...

I fully expect it to be just another thing that people who have thousands of points to just get on launch. I doubt they want to block people out of this for too long, so I don't expect them to put effort in making a small collection of achievements to unlock it...

And let's be honest here: Even for some WvW players, forcing objective captures is a annoying barrier... I have over 11k hours on this game and most of them were spent on WvW. You know when I finished my 200 SMC captures? Like 2 weeks ago... Simply because I hate playing in EBG.

If they really intent to have these people to stick around to do something more than just mindless farm WXP (and not allowing them to get their mounts on EotM) they would have to do something creative, which I don't expect to happen.

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@Jeknar.6184 said:Idk why exactly you wanted to make a different thread for this but w/e.

@StrawHat.2639 said:Me:If its only mastery like gliding all us with 1000s of free pts get it presto...am much more hoping theres some work to be done to get it...progressive mount increase on maps...I can just picture the lag and server crashes if all WvW committed players have instant access to the mount LOL ;P

Prefer: Say 300 WvW rank to not discourage the new people plus capture 10-50 times all types of objectives, etc kinda like a new pvp achievement to unlock the mount chest for finishing the whole achievement...

I fully expect it to be just another thing that people who have thousands of points to just get on launch. I doubt they want to block people out of this for too long, so I don't expect them to put effort in making a small collection of achievements to unlock it...

And let's be honest here: Even for some WvW players, forcing objective captures is a annoying barrier... I have over 11k hours on this game and most of them were spent on WvW. You know when I finished my 200 SMC captures? Like 2 weeks ago... Simply because I hate playing in EBG.

If they really intent to have these people to stick around to do something more than just mindless farm WXP (and not allowing them to get their mounts on EotM) they would have to do something creative, which I don't expect to happen.

Fair points tho how many mastery points then Jek ? :))

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