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Bolt Animations for Rev


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Does anyone else fee like there is so much missed opportunity when it comes to using Bolt on a Rev? For example I would love to see Shackling Wave have some electricity in it. Same thing with Elemental Blast. Seeing lightning come down mixed in with the fire on that one would be absolutely awesome. Finally Chaptic release could look really cool if Glint’s outline had some lightning in it. I just wish there was a bit more to it since it’s kind of hard to see the electricity on bolt compared to the effects of some of the other legendaries. Thoughts?

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Its pretty much hit and miss what animations the legendaries replace or augments. Some classes/especs recieves a lot more attention than others.But utility skills do rarely if ever recieve animation changes. Engineer grenadekit and renegade citadel bombardement is the two I remember.

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