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Should races differ in some way professionally?

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I'm not going to say how (that would get into a deep line of discussion that would never end), but rather the fact that each profession of a race is the only determining factor.I understand for simplicity sake why it was done, but it just seems logical that the Asura would make better engineers than the Norn, and Norn would make better warriors than the Asura.Other than aesthetics, and a couple race-based skills, what advantage do you get from playing a new race?FYI --- I do have at least one of each of the playable races.

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It's not for simplicity's sake that the professions play identically to one another. It was done so that people could mix and match their race and profession as they wished, so that, say, charr aren't locked out of Paladin because of their atheistic culture. You're not SUPPOSED to have an advantage, or suddenly there'd be a Norn Warrior meta, causing even more elitism than there already is.About the only difference I know of that means anything, is that engineers using racial skills get new toolkit skills the other races can't get. It's not better, just different.

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