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Returning player looking for advice.

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Hi, I have recently returned to GW2 after 2-3 year's of not playing, I have bought both the expansions the other week when they were on sale and i'm wondering what should i be focusing on first? I'm currently looking to unlock all the mounts especially the griffon and roller beetle at the same time i also would like to start working on making a legendary weapon, Most of my campaign's i have not really gone to far into. So which expansion and Story quests should i be working on first? Any advice tips and help is appreciated, Cheers

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You get your raptor mount almost immediately in the personal story in Path of Fire on the first map - Crystal Desert. So I'd suggest using one character to play the Path of Fire story and unlock that. The Springer mount and Skimmer mount don't take long either and are found in the next two maps (Desert Highlands and Elon River). Then the Jackal in the map after that.

At the same time you are doing this - use another character and start playing the Heart of Thorns story with that character. It won't be long doing the story in Verdant Brink before you unlock gliding, which is also useful. As you grind mastery experience in Heart of Thorns maps, you'll want to focus on upgrading your gliding mastery. Fully upgraded, you'll be able to get rid of the gliding time limit and glide as much as you want, which is really nice.

Since unlocking mounts or gliding unlocks it for ALL characters in your account, I think having two different characters running Path of Fire and Heart of Thorns is the quickest and most efficient way to get the really sweet traveling upgrades, and experience the new content and story.

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Thank's Irensaga, I currently have the raptor, Bunny, Skimmer and basic gliding, I will probably play my way through PoF today and tomorrow to unlock the griffon, I have seen that it will cost 250g do you know if dragonfall is the best place to farm gold now as i can remember i think it was SW which was the best some years ago.

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