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Mount Skills Keybind Still Bugged

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It's been a couple of months now and others have posted about it, but I still cannot use keybind mount skill 1. It executes a jump (not the attack), 2 does nothing. I have to actually mouse click the skills to get them to work. Utility 6-8 work fine, though.

I've tried unbinding the weapon attack skills and just having mount skill 1 on. Still just jumps. Makes for a great feint in WvW, but I really would like not to have to use the mouse click. It also makes the griffon mount mini-games impossible.

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I don't mind using the mouse however, for me, specifically the new skyscale. I have absolutely NO controls over that mount. Unbound, rebound the keybinds, still nothing. I can't even get the thing to launch in the air. When I am able to get it to launch, by doing a very quick mount/dismount/mount, I can go until the bar depletes but, as soon as it lands, I can only "walk" forward, backward, and turn left an right, it will not launch again. Space bar only does the barrel roll if I walk off a ledge. Really questioning if it's even worth to continue the trek for the mount... seems pointless now.

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@"Zaggrel.3692" said:I don't mind using the mouse however, for me, specifically the new skyscale. I have absolutely NO controls over that mount. Unbound, rebound the keybinds, still nothing. I can't even get the thing to launch in the air. When I am able to get it to launch, by doing a very quick mount/dismount/mount, I can go until the bar depletes but, as soon as it lands, I can only "walk" forward, backward, and turn left an right, it will not launch again. Space bar only does the barrel roll if I walk off a ledge. Really questioning if it's even worth to continue the trek for the mount... seems pointless now.

That sounds even worse than my case.

With the skyscale, I can go up, hover, and mouse click skill 1, but I can't go down. In WvW, it's really bad because I have to take my eyes off the opponents to find the mouse click area so it takes a second to reorient myself; even worse if I overshoot the opponent and then have to spin the camera around.

Oh and in WvW, the warclaw skills 2 and 3 don't work as well with keybinds.

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