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Alternatives to Arcane Thievery for roaming


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I'm running Staff & Scepter/Torch on Mirage for WvW roaming. I've been running Arcane Thievery, but the skill isn't really working for me. Technically, the skill functions properly, it just doesn't gel with my playstyle. Can anyone suggest a good alternative to take in its place?

I'm open to changing any aspect of my build except for gear.



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I run arcane thievery and find it indispensable in WvW roaming these days. Like you, initially, I did not like it as it was not something that did direct or condi damage that is easily visible - but it does so much against builds that rely on various boon upkeep. You slow their skill recharge and casting and you get faster. You lose three condis and get three of their boons. This gives you a brief window to effectively burst down your foe while they're on their heels and panicking about their lost synergies. I find I need AT most when dealing with very experienced foes. Low-mid levels, I'll swap it out and put in something else like Signet of Domination. (I'm a signet Mez.)

Granted, it's a little clunky with its 1/4 sec cast time that I swear seems like an eternity in a heated fight but my suggestion is learn to time the use of the skill. I save it for when I feel the enemies boons need stripping (say 25might) and/or to make them lose trait synergies, less so for the condi clear as I do that directly with signet of midnight and shatters but its a real nice to have. I'm a Mirage with Scepter/Torch as well but my alt set are Axe/Pistol.

My attack plan generally follows:

  1. When it's time to pop AT - do it, but only after I've exhausted or nearly so, all Scepter/Torch skills (its nice to use while in torch stealth)
  2. As soon as it triggers, swap to Axe/Pistol (you'll know it proc'd from the turtle condi icon)
  3. By this time I almost always have three clones up from the scepter
  4. Axe 3
  5. Shatter, typically Mind Wrack but sometimes Cry of Frustration if I need it to apply more Confusion if that's my goal instead of pure damage
  6. Axe 2, two times,
  7. Proceed on from there based on the situation. Sometimes I pop Diversion / Distortion to buy time to kite out if needed

Line of sight, elevation and obstacles are important to keep track of. They do affect it's proc'ing.

There's nothing more enjoyable than stripping boons from those that need it and when they sense it, they begin to draw out of the fight or at least kite to try to recover the boons. That's when you swap and Scepter 3 laser beam them down. :-D Any foe relying on boons for trait synergies suffer from Arcane Thievery and many non-mesmer meta builds rely on boons these days.

TLDR - plan for its use and take advantage of the breaks and opportunities it gives to you. Use it on Heavy Condi applying PvE foes in HoT/PoF maps to practice. Yeah, this reply is not an alternative but I hope to convince you to give it a second look. Happy hunting fellow Mez.

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@Delofasht.4231 said:You may try Null Field, removes more boons and conditions off and pairs with combo finishers to give Chaos Armor with your current weapons. I certainly liked it as a combo field, probably better with sword and pistol finishers for Mirage though.

I'm not really seeing much condi pressure, so Arcane Thievery goes unused. Prob a combo of not paying enough attention to enemy boons and saving it as a condi clear (that's seldom needed).

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