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Character Creation Update Concept

Flash Asuna.5640

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Hey there! As we get ever closer to the release of Path of Fire I thought it might be a good idea to voice my opinion as to what could use a little TLC in character creation. The usual updates to gemstore exclusive faces and hairstyles are wonderful, I am not speaking out against that at all, but I do feel that there are some areas that are outdated that could benefit from a Path of Fire update/overhaul. This is just a personal wishlist but it would be great to see if the rest of the community agrees or has other additions that I might have overlooked. Note: All races are fairly "healthy" as far as constant updates to facial designs and hairstyles this is a recommendation for other features

1) Human: Could use some extra refinement. As a whole some faces with scarring options would be interesting. Males could use updates on the facial hair as that has seemed to be stagnant for a bit.2) Charr: Could use some much needed improvements. For starters while this race has gotten facial updates and hair designs, the overall patterns and colors for their fur have never been updated. On top of that the last time new horns were added to the design was shortly after the introduction of Rox (I believe) and more styles would be loved by all the warbands out there.3) Norn: Could use some extra refinement along with the humans, maybe add in some scarring options. Primarily I would love to see the additions of new tattoo designs and coloring options for said designs. There are some great options currently but they have been the same since the release of the core game in 2012.4) Asura: Along with the Charr the Asurans could use some extra love. It would be nice to see new skin tones added into the options, and along with that the Asura could also use some extra love on their pattern options. (On a side note, the inclusion of more armor sets that have a distinction between male and female Asura would be awesome)5) Sylvari: The race as a whole seems to contain a great amount of options during character creation. However there is room for a little improvement. With the upcoming release of Path of Fire it would be nice to see new skin tones that would be closely reminiscent of plants found in the dessert. Perhaps even the addition of a spiney look on the pattern selection similar to that of cacti would be an interesting addition.

Once again I would like to stress that this is just a personal wishlist of an update that I believe would be well accepted by the community. I'm interested in seeing what other members think/would like to add. Sorry for the long post and thanks for reading!

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@Flash Asuna.5640 said:Sylvari: it would be nice to see new skin tones that would be closely reminiscent of plants found in the dessert.I too would love new Sylvari skin tones resembling of delicious desserts. As if they weren't appealing enough. Yummy Salads. Mmmm. How about... Mint Ice Cream colour? Or maybe a Blueberry Muffin palette? Apologies, I couldn't resist. xD

I agree with your suggestions entirely. It would be wonderful to have more creative freedom, customising our characters to venture forth in the world, competing in the all mighty Fashion Wars. My suggestions:

  • Skin tone polish on Humans. Darker skins tones on seem off. The face is oddly lighter than the overall skin tone. This is extremely prevalent with the new 'Elonian' faces.
  • Sylvari could have more colours added to their 'Glow' palette. A selection of the Hair dye colours could be transferred to the Glow section. (This could also be a feature for the 'Total makeover kit' only).
  • The 'Total Makeover Kit' is in dire need of an update as well, when it comes to the faces of other races. Charr and Asura especially.
  • A Makeup/Face-paint Selection. The Charr have faces which have masks of Face-paint. Humans and Norns have Makeup on particular faces. It would be a nice addition if we could have a separate tab where on could add/remove Makeup or Facepaints. These additions could apply to all races.
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I would also like to see more different body types. An option with smaller breasts on human female because now they all look like they have implants.An option to add facial marks like scars, makeup and stuff on whatever face you like would be nice.And more sliders. With more sliders you can personalize it even more.Now i think most characters look the same, just different hair and armor.

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I feel like they could update the Personal Story Starting information, Feels like the Honorable, Charming, and Brute options could be reworked. Since they felt gutted at reworking the personal story. They seem to lack depth hopefully some point they can go rework some of the story to include them. I just don't think Personality choices make any actual depth to the game they are just filler at this point I would love to seem some new approaches to them!

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@"Flash Asuna.5640" said:Hey there! As we get ever closer to the release of Path of Fire I thought it might be a good idea to voice my opinion as to what could use a little TLC in character creation. The usual updates to gemstore exclusive faces and hairstyles are wonderful, I am not speaking out against that at all, but I do feel that there are some areas that are outdated that could benefit from a Path of Fire update/overhaul. This is just a personal wishlist but it would be great to see if the rest of the community agrees or has other additions that I might have overlooked. Note: All races are fairly "healthy" as far as constant updates to facial designs and hairstyles this is a recommendation for other features

1) Human: Could use some extra refinement. As a whole some faces with scarring options would be interesting. Males could use updates on the facial hair as that has seemed to be stagnant for a bit.2) Charr: Could use some much needed improvements. For starters while this race has gotten facial updates and hair designs, the overall patterns and colors for their fur have never been updated. On top of that the last time new horns were added to the design was shortly after the introduction of Rox (I believe) and more styles would be loved by all the warbands out there.3) Norn: Could use some extra refinement along with the humans, maybe add in some scarring options. Primarily I would love to see the additions of new tattoo designs and coloring options for said designs. There are some great options currently but they have been the same since the release of the core game in 2012.4) Asura: Along with the Charr the Asurans could use some extra love. It would be nice to see new skin tones added into the options, and along with that the Asura could also use some extra love on their pattern options. (On a side note, the inclusion of more armor sets that have a distinction between male and female Asura would be awesome)5) Sylvari: The race as a whole seems to contain a great amount of options during character creation. However there is room for a little improvement. With the upcoming release of Path of Fire it would be nice to see new skin tones that would be closely reminiscent of plants found in the dessert. Perhaps even the addition of a spiney look on the pattern selection similar to that of cacti would be an interesting addition.

Once again I would like to stress that this is just a personal wishlist of an update that I believe would be well accepted by the community. I'm interested in seeing what other members think/would like to add. Sorry for the long post and thanks for reading!

Wonderful ideas here.

However, I'm against the gendered armor set for male and female asura. I like the sneakthief armor on my female asura thief, but I've seen the female version on humans; it would look terrible on poor Vini. However, if the armor sets were not sexualized on female asura, I'd be more for it. That said, if they did do gendered armor for asura, they'd have to make whole new sets for the asura females (if anet aims to not sexualize female asura) and IIRC, armor sets are all based on human models.

I agree with everything else, though. More patterns would be cool, and some better colors for the patterns. The charr need more hairstyles which are... charr-like. I've been reading complaints about the wacky hairstyles charr players have been getting which seem to not fit the race. They shouldn't be removed as some players use them, but some new styles which are more charrish would be ideal.

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I completely agree that Asura shouldn't be sexualized. What I meant by a distinction was that its odd to have a female character in pants and suits all the time like their male counterparts. I like what they did with the Exemplar's outfit on Asura and I hope that in PoF or other future expansions we might be able to see more of a contrast to male and female armor. (I feel the same way about Charr)

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