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Customize - Select Stats [FIXED]

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I have experienced this nasty bug lately that when I try to customize my new ascended armor, I cannot select the stats (e.g. grieving, marshal, harrier, etc. except the common stats like beserker & more) Mostly POF stats I think. It's frustrating, Here is the screenshot https://www.screencast.com/t/OvAuBu72 Hopefully, this gets fixed soon. The bug is like the stats selection is somehow overlapping into each other and I can't do anything to make it work. Hopefully, this gets fixed asap. Any thoughts?

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Hi @"Raymacz.7204", I posted a separate thread in the Bug forum on this exact same problem (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/83623/armor-weapon-customization-window-stacked-and-unselectable-stat-combos). A few others chimed in about being affected by the same bug, and I think we've worked out what happened. It only affects people with Core/PoF accounts (and not Core/HoT/PoF) because of the new chronological ordering of stat combos in the stat list. It becomes bugged for everything starting with the HoT stats because we're not supposed to have access to HoT/LS3 stat combos. Unfortunately, the implementation also made everything after HoT (PoF and LS4 stat combos) inaccessible as well. I also hope Anet addresses this soon because I've got a lot of stat-selectable gear I want to set up with PoF stats for a new char.

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Thanks. However, I am actually surprised they haven't fix this yet. How long does it usually take for ArenaNet to fix bugs like this? This isn't like a minor bug, selecting stats is very important to the game. I would strongly suggest they give the promo for HoT so we can buy the expansion & git rid of this nasty bug. So sad, thanks.

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After the new patch Updated - August 13, 2019, I got so excited thinking the bug should already be fixed and this came out after clicking customize - select stats:

--> Crash <--Assertion: frameIdFile: ......\Engine\Frame\FrApi.cpp(1777)App: Gw2-64.exePid: 9612BaseAddr: 00007FF6CCBC0000ProgramId: 101Build: 98525When: 2019-08-13T17:27:31Z 2019-08-14T01:27:31+08:00Uptime: 0 days 0:01:29Flags: 0

--> System <--Name: efdf513dIpAddr: 4 [GenuineIntel:6:14:3]OSVersion: Windows 10.0 (64 bit)

All I can say is WOW!!!

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Can confirm. We made some great progress -- from not being able to select any PoF/LS4 stats, to now crashing the game when we attempt to select ANY stat. Woohoo! It's like Anet is giving a big "sucks to be you" to PoF-only accounts. I wonder if it's really some really nuanced technical issue they can't identify/resolve, or if they're really trying their best to push those of us who only have PoF to also buy HoT just to have normal game functionality. If that's the case, can they please have a discount/sale on HoT-only, instead of forcing us to buy the HoT/PoF bundle (when we already paid full price for PoF) or HoT at full price when it's available at a steep discount if bundled with PoF?

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Yup, this is really a big problem, they just can't ignore this nor take time/delay to fix this issue. Before you can't select expansion stats only, now you can't select all & that includes core stats, OMG & guess what it crashes, haha... Our newly acquired exotic/ascended items are sitting in our inventory - basically USELESS! If ever they fix this issue, they owe us something like giving us discounts for HoT expansions or give us back/compensate us with anything. Please Anet do something!!! ???

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GM Fiction (Guild Wars 2 Support)

Aug 14, 20:40 PDT

Hello Maksymilian,

I understand you are having the issue where the game is crashing when you try to select stats. I am sorry about that.

This is a known issue, and the dev team is currently investigating the cause. While I do not have an ETA on a fix at the moment, I am hopefully it will be sorted out soon. :)

You can get more updates on it by visiting the forums.

Thanks for reaching out, and if you need anything else, please don't hesitate to let us know!(✿◠‿◠)Regards,

GM FictionGuild Wars 2 Support Team

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