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A returning player's questions


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Hello all, I'm a returning player (last played a year ago)

I used to main a power GS reaper, and had great fun with it. Also had fun with playing a power herald back then but it seems there has been some changes.I want to start playing a rev as my main, but I did a bit of research and I'm still very confused, so I'd like to ask the community to help me understand a few things! (The questions may be silly, but please try understand I'm still fairly new to the game!)

My interest is heavily focused on playing a sword/sword power rev. And my ultimate goal is 'having fun' in WvW while also being able to output decent damage. (Also for Fractals & OpenWorld)People have told me that power revs recently are really dependent on using staffs over S/S.. and honestly, im not really a fan of using a staff.

  • Would it be possible to still do decent damage using swords most of the time (if not always) ? I really love playing melee with sword/sword!

Also, being a power rev,

  • Is there ONE build which I can use to play for Wvw, Fractals, Openworld? Or would I be expected to change my build around appropriately for each situation?(Doesn't have to be a meta build, as long as it provides decent sustain and damage)

I've also read that there's been a nerf with the energy cost and so it's become harder to maintain buffs and harder to play in general.

  • Would playing a power Rev (herald or Renegade) be harder to play now than it used to be?

  • If it's not really recommended to play power revs for inexperience players, are there any other possible professions I can play as a power sword/sword user?

Thanks all for taking the time to read!

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@"Rend.5794" said:Also, being a power rev,

  • Is there ONE build which I can use to play for Wvw, Fractals, Openworld? Or would I be expected to change my build around appropriately for each situation?(Doesn't have to be a meta build, as long as it provides decent sustain and damage)

Well unfortunately, there is no one build that is good at all three game modes that you mentioned. The power assassin (Shiro) build that is widely used in PvP can be used in PvE as well, at least in open world and dungeons. You can use that same build in fractals as well, but not everyone is in favor of having an assassin herald on their team. They're more in favor with renegade simply because it's a support build that applies might, fury and the most important boon of them all, alacrity.

The good thing about all of these builds whether it's assassin herald or alacrity renegade is that they all use sword/sword and staff. Yes, I know you mentioned that you don't like staff, but don't dismiss it simply because you don't like it. It's mostly used for CC and for healing which is only useful for alacrity renegade, but for assassin herald it's only used for CC.

  • Would playing a power Rev (herald or Renegade) be harder to play now than it used to be?

Revenant has received minor changes, nothing too major. If you haven't played revenant in a long time and I mean in a really long time, then it will be somewhat different. Other than that, it's still the same profession with both elite specializations. One thing that is worth mentioning is that ArenaNet have taken the whole "elite specializations having major trade-offs" route a couple of months, reworked some of the elite specializations like berserker and chronomancer and have given core revenant the Ancient Echo skill which gives you boons based on the legend you're invoking. It's nothing spectacular, but it's at least something.

  • If it's not really recommended to play power revs for inexperience players, are there any other possible professions I can play as a power sword/sword user?

The only professions capable of using two swords are warrior and mesmer. Sword/sword warrior is just awful and it's only used in very niche condition builds that are lackluster compared to condition berserker with longbow and sword/torch. Sword/sword mesmer on the other had is fantastic and while most people prefer having more utility such as the shield with chronomancer or the focus for the powerful pull, the off-hand sword is a solid replacement for either one of the other off-hand weapons at least in open world and dungeons.

What I would recommend you do is practice in open world. Try out all of the legends, try out every single weapon, though I don't recommend using anything except sword/sword and staff in any power build and take your time learning how to play revenant. You can look up guides on how to play it, but to me that takes the fun away from learning a profession. You will feel dumb in the future for not using a specific utility skill or a trait in a specialization, but learning from your mistakes is the only way you get better at playing a profession.

Thanks all for taking the time to read!

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Well you are lucky, WvW-Fractals-Openworld have 1 same build with minimum changes

Power Shiro/Glint S/S+Staff

-This one is for Fractals.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAwyZlpQMMLijdRdMMyjJSksCigJ7lWzG-zVIYR0xXC2OA-w

-You can make it WvW roaming like this(marauder gear+few stat changes)http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAwyZlpQMMLijdRdMMyjJSksCigpulezE-zVRYBRHIG+TwjDA-wIf you wanna be in zerg just add Hammer instead of swords.

For Open world you can change in Herlad traitline last trait choice from bottom to midlle to grant boons to 10 ppl(good on mete events)ShiroGlint is meta in PvP, WvW smallscale,PvE(as boon support mainly because rev have low dmg), you can even go to Jalis instead.DevastationInvocationHeraldare fixed I dare to say they are right now best traitlines for PvE/WvW/PvP in terms of dmg utility, if we talk about power

EDIT:In PvP this setup is less powerfull, Rev here got huge hit on Might generation traits, and Fury enhancing trait, and DPS overall.In WvW same build is much stronger.

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They're more in favor with renegade simply because it's a support build that applies might, fury and the most important boon of them all, alacrity.

Is this a power build? or is there another setup for alacrity?You will feel dumb in the future for not using a specific utility skill or a trait in a specialization, but learning from your mistakes is the only way you get better at playing a profession.

You're right about that! I suppose I should give using staff a try along with all the other contents this game has to provide for playing a Revenant so I can better understand how the role of rev plays within the game & synergy with other players!


... they are right now best traitlines for PvE/WvW/PvP in terms of dmg utility, if we talk about powerThank you very much for the info on the build! I will try this out and see how it plays out :)

I have learned a lot about the troubling misunderstandings! Thank you both for your informative replies! B)

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@Rend.5794 said:@"Hoodie.1045"

They're more in favor with renegade simply because it's a support build that applies might, fury and the most important boon of them all, alacrity.

Is this a power build? or is there another setup for alacrity?

It's a hybrid build that uses berserker and diviner stats, both stats from core gw2 so they're not that expensive to craft. When you look that build up on meta sites, the stats are all over the place so for the sake of consistency, I would recommend you make full berserker armor and weapons while the backpack and trinkets are all diviner. This is how I make my hybrid builds, crafting the armor and weapons with the cheap core gw2 stats while the backpack and trinkets are with the more expensive stats from the expansions.

If you're overwhelmed on which backpack and trinkets to get, I would recommend you getting these:

Backpack: Quiver of a Thousand Arrows/There with Yakkington: A Traveler's Tale or Icebrood Horn Backpack.

The first two backpacks are both the same and you can select any stat prefix. The second backpack is only available if you own the HoT expansion with LWS3, also available to select any stat prefix. Most people would go for the second backpack since it's easier to get, but I always preferred the first two since you don't have to farm for two currencies to get them. All you need for the first two backpack is gold mainly for purchasing vicious claws and globs of ectoplasm which you can also get by salvaging rare level 68 or higher gear.

Accessories: Two Mist Talismans (not unique so you can put two of the same item, all stat prefixes available to choose).

Amulet: One Mist Pendant (all stat prefixes available to choose)

Rings: Two Mist Bands (not unique so you can put two of the same item, all stat prefixes available to choose).

If you enjoy playing fractals on a daily basis, then getting the trinkets I listed are by far the easiest to get and don't cost any gold. Keep doing your fractal dailies and recommended (left overs) and you'll get the pristine fractal relics for purchasing these trinkets and thankfully the Mist Band rings are already infused when you purchase them so it's less of a hassle trying both attune and infuse ascended rings.

The other alternative is farming currencies in LWS3 maps, but I don't find this process enjoyable since most of the currencies are based on luck as to whether or not you get them and the nodes you farm are in the same order and they reset after 24 hours. Winterberries are by far the easiest currency to get since they are guaranteed drops every time. Just get to the "A Crack in the Ice" chapter of LWS3 and start farming them there.

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